Thursday, February 23, 2023

Why GOP is Controlling Parenting

while saying parents should be in control of decisions regarding their children

I will never understand how they rationalize their hypocrisy...


  1. Hypocrisy has never been a big issue for Republicans. As an essentially negative party, they don't have goals or standards to fall short of. As a negative party, they can reach their goals by dividing the opposition, without providing options of their own. They can afford to attack those they disagree with, because they don't need those people to be a part of a positive consensus to pursue an agenda of their own. They are deeply suspicious of majority rule, while have no problem with rule by minority.


  2. I find the

    "They Bad, We Good" tiresome at best...

  3. I should note that there is nothing inherently wrong with being negative. But I will say it's easier, particularly within a system that requires a consensus to get anything done to achieve a negative objective, to prevent things from being done.

