Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Break Law, Beg For Money

and Suckers Give ????  Who are these people who give money to this con man who obviously:

  • Took secure documents he was not supposed to
  • Fought against giving them back
  • Lied about his "de-classifying" them
  • Gave some back, while retaining others
  • Lied about having more
  • Cried foul when the FBI was forced to go and get them
  • Acts like a victim after his incredible stupidity and clearly illegal actions.

I mean if Obama had pulled this the GOP would supported lynching him !!!

And yet with Trump, they not only suck up, moan about the injustice, etc. But they are paying him !!!  

I think many citizens have lost their minds !!!  I guess that old saying is true.  A fool and their money will soon be parted. :-) 

By the numbers, Trump was a terrible President.  He cut taxes without cutting spending, in fact he greatly increased spending and the National Debt in just 4 years!!!

How can the crazy conservatives forget him and support a rational honest candidate who can win?

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