Monday, March 18, 2024

How to Scare White Folks

even when  Crime Rates Drop


  1. What scares me is the iddea that a president thinks he is exempt from the application of the law, in particular the criminal law.


  2. What he thinks does not scare me.

    What people let him get away with is more concerning. :-O

  3. As president, Trump would be in charge of what he could get away with. I don't expect him to win on this issue in any court. But if he is in charge of law enforcement, it doesn't matter whether he wins in the courts.


  4. In this case it is many citizens who seem to be okay with his tax fraud, hoarding secure documents, lying to FBI, etc.

  5. I think about that kitchen table where Senator Britt has those tough conversations with here family. To borrow Trump's world view for just a moment, Senator Britt is a lifelong politician. She is the swamp at its swampiest. The elite at it elitist. Republican talent spotters spotted her early, gave here the millions of dollars she needed to maintain a comfortable life style, and they gave her the safe senate seat which she expects to hold for the rest of her life, assuming she doesn't become vice president. She is the have, and her terror is that she will lose it all. Is that what she talks to her kids and her kids and her husband about so fearfully?


  6. I would guess so...

    She may get voted out if more of those terrible brown people move into her state... Oh my... :-O

  7. I think a reason why when we get down to it, that the Republicans really don't want to move against illegal aliens is that they know in the long run those folks will vote for them.


  8. Well they are mostly Catholics???

    And they like to work and keep their money...

    So it would make sense...
