Sunday, November 24, 2024

Sign The Paperwork

Trump resisting the signing of ethics docs... Who would have thought that? Meaning that the agencies can not share information with his personnel during the transition. What an a**hole.
And people support this?


  1. Trumpies approve of everything he does to be anti establishment. Most people don't know anything about this, as it was news to me and I read quite a bit of news. I wonder how long it will take for Trump's approval rating to go down. I think his current favorability rate is about 45%.


  2. I really do not know if there will be a recession or a stock market crash? Since about 2008, the American citizens have been happy with the government borrowing ever more and giving it to them. (tax cuts, checks, services, etc)

    At some point things will crash BAD... But as long as our irresponsible citizens are happy living large and passing it on to the kids, politicians can keep borrowing to look good. I mean people thought Trump was wonderful because the gov't sent them many thousands in free borrowed money.

  3. Per my graph and based on history, the S&P could drop back to 3000 if a severe recession occurs like in 2008. So keep your holdings diversified.
