Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Itty Bitty Win

Trump and his cult keep saying that he has some huge mandate.  Even though he won with one of the smallest majorities in decades. And he received less than 50% of the vote.

A prediction I heard and agree with is that Trump will over reach and the DEMs will win both Houses of Congress in 2026. And since it is likely Trump will commit High Crimes and Misdemeanors by that time given his disrespect for the law, he will be impeached yet again...

I hope I am wrong and that Trump and MAGA are sane and effective. And that they implement solutions that are good for the country and all our citizens. Unfortunately it is starting on the wrong foot.


  1. The Dems could win back the house in two years. I think the Senate will be more difficult, as I think they would need to pick up a couple of seats from red states. I don't see another impeachment in Trump's future. No matter how bad he is I don't see anyone from the GOP turning on him.


  2. To be "impeached" only requires the House... As we know from Trump's first 2 impeachments. But you are correct that it is unlikely the Senate will find him guilty given how spineless the politicians are.
