Monday, December 9, 2024

Trump Lies Continue

He won yet he keeps spewing the same lies and revenge threats.

Why do people believe and support him?

Fact Check 1

Fact Check 2

Fact Check 3

Now why would Trump lie about something that is SO EASY to fact check? And why would people believe him?
And yes Biden did sign off on too much spending, but there is a big delay between approving and spending. Much of Trump's over spending carried over for 2+ years. And his unnecessary 2017 tax cuts are still driving inflation. Whereas much of Biden's spending has not been spent yet.
And please note that we are pumping more oil now than during Trump's time in office.


  1. If the worst Trump does is continue to lie the country will survive another 4 years of him. I think the biggest effect Trump will have on me is tariffs raising prices. Hopefully he will leave medicare and social security alone.


  2. I often say that I am thankful at this time to be white, older, male, moderately well off, etc...

    Project 2025 and the Religious Right are sure bad for most minorities, poor, younger citizens, women, LGBTQ folks, etc.

    Hopefully MAGA over reaches and the citizens toss them out of the House and Senate in 2 years.

  3. It will be humorous if Trump causes inflation to spike again, since apparently the citizens have no tolerance for higher egg prices... :-)
