Monday, August 20, 2018

GOP Has a New Face of Evil

And she is much cuter than Nancy Pelosi... :-)

From Sean:
"The RNC -- the national party -- released a statement attacking Ocasio-Cortez today, accusing her of wanting to turn the U.S. into Venezuela. Don't tell me that conservatives aren't trying to make her a symbol. As a comparison, can you think of a case where Democrats have similarly nationalized a Republican legislator? The Democrats haven't nationalized Roy Moore, tying him to every race in the country. Meanwhile, Tim Pawlenty sent out a mailer with Ocasio-Cortez's picture on it. "

VOX Why conservatives love to hate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

To answer Sean's question, I guess I think the DEMs are currently using Trump and his Tribe as the face of evil today.  I mean every local race seems to be about him and them in some way.

And it seems that Pelosi and Ocasio-Cortez are naturals for the GOP. I mean they are putting themselves out there on the national stage preaching tax / spend and the social state.


1 comment:

  1. They need villains. She is their Donald Trump.

