Monday, March 29, 2021

Chauvin, Floyd and Justice

Where do the facts lead?  A FB friend wrote and posted an excellent prayer for these times of strife. It was really good, however I thought it needed one extra verse.

"And may the cities stay at peace, even if they disagree with the verdict."

Of course a couple of the other commenters disagreed.  They seem to think their verdict is more important and just than that of our court and the jury's. Now they did not advocate for violence or destruction, but they did insist that they would fight like hell for justice and not stop...  Which I assume translates to more large protests, more civil disobedience and of course, some resultant violence and destruction. 🙁 

They were sounding a lot like like them crazy conservatives who swear they are wiser and more just than our courts, so here was my normal response for those who support mob rule.

"I believe that our system has laws, due process, a judge and a jury for a reason. Unfortunately many people on both sides of this topic have a pre-conceived judgement in mind and would like to revolt against our laws and judicial system, whatever the verdict. That is unfortunate. 🙁

I personally have no idea what the verdict should be. It will be interesting to see what happens."

I have no doubt that Chauvin was in the wrong, even though the neck hold was an approved restraint at the time.  He and the other officers also had a duty to protect the life of a suspect.  Now the question is does his / their failure rise to the level of manslaughter or murder?

On the other hand, Floyd apparently had fentanyl in his system and he did not want to go into or stay in the squad car.  So did Chauvin remove him from the squad car and lay him on the ground as mercy?  Or to kill him?  Did Floyd die from the knee or the drugs?

The jurors are going to have a lot to consider.  And I hope the citizens of the world respect their decision.  Whatever it is. 


  1. In a criminal trial, the prosecution must prove each element of the offense beyond a reasonable doubt. Causation is an element of the offense. That means the prosecution must prove that Officer Chauvin caused the death of Mr. Floyd beyond a reasonable doubt. If they can't do that, the jury must acquit.

