Thursday, July 11, 2024

Trump Tarriffs and Inflation

Not sure why people doubt Trump will increase inflation?

I mean Trump is the one who:

  • increased tarriffs
  • increased government spending
  • reduced taxes / revenue
  • handed out trillions of "free" money
  • increased National Debt by $8.2 TRILLION 

And I assume he is planning to do it again.

Or maybe Trump voters are foolish enough to believe that the manufacturer pays the import tarriff. :-O


  1. We live on multiple tracks. If something goes wrong in the world, we blame the other side. There is inflation, inflation is bad, therefore it is the other guy's fault. This is easier to do for people without fixed princciples. Such people take all sides in an argument and one of them must be right.

    We do have inflation, but we have the upside of inflation too. A strong economy with low unemployment. Somehoe inflation, not the strong economy has become the focus of news coverage. I think that has a lot to do with President Biden's inability to communicate. In any event, the president and the government generally, have limited ability to run the economy, it is just too huge. It's like with a super tanker, they are very difficult to steer but pretty easy to sink.

    For republicans, the problem is that that the issue which has been presented to them is not the issue they care about. Rich people don't mind inflation much because it goes with a prosperous economy and their net worth grows faster than inflation. They have been making out like bandits in the Biden years. This is clear with Trump. As much as he may talk about inflation, his economic programs to the extent that they have them would make inflation worse, indeed are intended to make inflation worse. The whole point of raising tariffs is to raise prices and make American workers less coompetitive in global markets.

    But this isn't what we talk about. We talk instead about Biden's frailties and Trump's girlfriends. We entertain ourselves into disaster.


  2. That is because the current voters are very selfish and short sighted.

    Screw future generations... Just give me the money AND the tax cuts...

    And while you are at it, somehow keep inflation down. Even as you encourage over spending...
