Monday, November 3, 2008

281 Referendum YES281 : 3 Crazy Weeks !!!

About 3 weeks ago I entered the very interesting world of blogging and it has been a great experience !!! I have been able to have more open discussions with people of different viewpoints than I would have believed possible. Below are links to the most active blog strings I participated in.

However, I do have one favor to ask. If you enjoy this blog, please get involved and add comments. Drop me an email if you want help learning how to add comments. ( Or see these instructions.

Though I have an almost limitless number of viewpoints and ideas to blog about. (ask my wife, family, friends & co-workers...) I will be much happier and learn more if you challenge me or add your perspectives. That is why I am choosing to continue blogging after the vote.

Now the benefits for you: Where else can you state your opinions totally anonomously and have hundreds of people read them? Also, I am a self & wife certified continuous improvement junkie who will be discussing some really unique concepts. (all for free... reference links provided...)

So thanks for the time you have given me and remember to VOTE tomorrow. If you have made it through my blogs and the linked strings, I think whatever choice you make it will be the right one.

Speed Gibson blog string 1
Speed Gibson blog string 2
Speed Gibson blog string 3
Speed Gibson blog string 4
Freedom Dogs blog string 1 *
Freedom Dogs blog string 2 *

* To see comments at Freedom Dogs: select "Got A Bone To Pick?"

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