Thursday, April 14, 2011

RAS Magnet School Mtg

Back to one of our favorite discussions within the Robbinsdale School District. What to do with all those empty school buildings that we are paying to maintain? How many years ago did we close them? Man, gov't entities move slowly !!!

RAS will hold an informational mtg regarding the proposal to open another Magnet school in the Olson Elementary building. (ESC Building, 27Apr11, 6 PM) The front runners are STEM or Spanish Immersion. They decided to delay the start and pay for the empty buildings until 2012, even though they have an RSIS waiting list and experience with Spanish Immersion. Man, gov't entities move slow !!!

As an update, Beacon Academy (the charter school that was interested in renting/buying PLE) ended up moving to Maple Grove and is now located in a Church. (ie Open Door) What a shame that we have a perfectly good Tax Payer paid for Public School building sitting idle, and a local Public School that is liked by many ends up moving out of our community because RAS is scared of some competition... I guess unique school offerings are okay as long as RAS is the one providing it. Man, gov't entities are monopolistic !!!

On the upside, the Hosterman Building is no more. When I drove by I noticed that it is now a big pile of aggregate. Good thing District 287 had the Tax Payer funds to do some new construction. North Education Center Oh I forgot... They get their funding from member district like 281... Well, I guess it is job creation.

RAS Magnet Informational Mtg Flyer
Enrollment Committee PDF
Magnets January
281 Exposed Here Ye Here Ye
Star Trib Magnet schools lose pull
G2A RAS Conspiracy or Not?
G2A RAS Projections
G2A Spanish Immersion vs STEM
G2A RAS Areas Vanishing Children


  1. Does anyone have any information on what is going to be discussed. Has a final decision or plan been developed?

    I plan to go to see what is up. Has been quiet on this front since December?

    Everyone before the meeting should read the new article that the Star Tribune published (linked by John).

  2. This seems like denial to me, that 281 thinks it must "compete" in a botique setting rather than fix the core business. But then, fixing the core business means taking on the unions and St. Paul.

  3. I guess that is why it is an informational mtg... I am going to try to attend, mostly because I am curious how many people will show up.

    Remember our old saying, "if you want people to actually show up for a School District Mtg, threaten to close or discontinue something..." I am wondering how many people will be interested in learning about a new program...

    I suppose we will get the Olson and PLE folk who are still worried that their school will not be selected. (ie "their" school stays closed) Though I think the distrist made it pretty clear that Olson is going to get the school if it is a go...

    Fighting the entrenched Union foolishness seems to be an uphill battle. My gauge for monitoring success is observing that a couple of really poor teachers are still getting a paycheck. Maybe the Republican Legislature can shift the power balance a bit towards the kids.
