Well, I am cursed with the responsibility of creating and distributing minutes/updates and action item lists for each of my ~9 active projects. The teams are ~7 people, the subject matter experts consist of another ~6 and the stakeholders add another ~15. And of course there is only limited overlap, so the total number of unique names across these lists is ~177.
Of course there was always some Manager somewhere that thought their question was important enough to "Reply All". Then of course this led to a geometric growth rate of Replies in all directions. So I finally got smart and put a note in the email that said, "All Subject Matter Experts and Stakeholders are BCC only in order to reduce excess email responses." Not amazingly, the recipients and other Team Leads thought this was a great idea and were thankful not to hear from the one questioning Mgr...
So this article made me smile.... What do you think of politicians sending out to the State Mailing lists? What humorous email stories do you have to share? The cartoon at the bottom of the 2nd link is FUNNY...
Star Tribune Koch and Zeller's email
White Email Etiquette and Funny Cartoon
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