Thursday, June 23, 2011

RAS FAC Maintains Independence?

I looked through the Financial Advisory Council's year end presentation and found it a bit anemic.  Now I have not sat in on a mtg for over a year, so I really can not speak with authority on what they have been doing.  However I do know enough to question one of their suggested next steps:
  • Maintain Independence
I mean the Board seems to only pick members that are unlikely to rock their boat...  By this, I mean that I know some qualified boat rockers who are repeatedly turned down.  And I really don't see any communication from the FAC to to the Citizens, so they don't seem to be helping us understand how or what the District spends on. This is probably important considering the school closures, school renovations, potential sales, potential Magnets, Funding challenges, etc.  And almost half the attendees are Board Members and Administrators, so how can they be in anyway "independent"?

I guess I'd just say that they are a group of hand picked individuals that report directly to the Board with their thoughts regarding what is presented to them.  I am not sure if this qualifies as "independent", especially when you are in a room with School personnel.  It seems hard to believe that group think is not the rule. (G2A Group Think)  I still greatly appreciate the efforts of the citizens that do get involved, I just "independent" is a bit too strong of word.

A quick story: someone asked me to get more involved with a local Organization that has some pretty strong opinions regarding our schools.  I replied that it would be better if I stay on the fence on this one.  (ie independent)  They jokingly responded that "as long as it wasn't a picket fence..."

Speed once wrote about an Ombudsman being a good answer, but I just can't see how they would be independent if they report into the Public or the Org they are investigating... (ie FAC) Thus I will stay on my picket fence...  Anyone got a pillow?

By the way, there are also links to some interesting MAP and Enrollment presentations.

FAC Year End Report 20Jun11
Grade 3-5 MAP Analysis 20Jun11
End of Year Enrollment 20Jun11
Board Agenda 20Jun11
Board Summary 20Jun11
RAS Financial Web Page


  1. Hi John,

    We will see if they "REALLY are looking for Independence". I have applied again at the request of the Superintendent. We will see if that has any impact.

    I think I have some OLD pillows if you still need them!!!

  2. God forbid I should win the lottery for I would hire the auditors necessary to do a truly independent audit, the goal being a report we commoners can understand.
