Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Michigan Right to Work Update

These timing of these 2 FOX articles seemed too good to pass up.


FOX News Michigan House approve RTW bill
FOX News Chrysler Workers Re-instated
G2A MN RTW Update


  1. Did you see the horrific violence perpetrated by these people defending their right to join a union? And now Michigan teachers are walking off the job to protest? They ought to be thanking the legislature for putting more money in their pockets.

  2. I do find it discouraging, when people skip work to demand that others pay Union dues. As I wrote in the MN RTW post...

    "Being a somewhat independent minded capitalist, I really need some of my more progressive socialistic readers to help me understand why anyone except the Union management would be against a Right to Work amendment. The idea that one has to pay Union dues in order to work at an employer seems so anti-American that I don't understand it.

    I am more than happy to write out a check to any group that is providing value for me. However the idea of being forced to write a check just to get a job would send me looking for another career or employer. What am I missing here?"

  3. Imagine trying to compete with a foreign auto manufacturer with this tied around your neck...

    Jobs Bank 12,000 Paid Not to Work

  4. CNN Bennett

    I like the words "over reached". They seem accurate. I actually used them in a response at MPP bfore reading Bennett's opinion piece.

    MPP Attacks on Middle Class
