I love blogging because I often learn something I should have known. Speed posted the following and it was pretty interesting. Thoughts?
Speed Gibson Double Taxation
Also, what do you think the next MN Budget will be? (>$40 million?) As I noted on Speed's post, I keep reading that the Left leaning Democrats are going to make things right after all these terrible Republican years. Yet no one wants to answer what the budget will be or where the money will come from.
Speed Gibson New Priorities
MPP MN Budget Gimmicks
MPP Rebrand MN DFL
G2A Gov't will Grow
G2A MN Budget Baseline
MN Budget History
On top of this, I am assuming the DFL will be pushing a HUGE bonding bill. That us and our kids will be paying for, for a long time. Even if the interest was cheap.
I don't think anyone has a budget number yet. We are at the very beginning of the process.
Oh come now, Democrats must have some idea what they want.
ReplyDeleteMN Miracle II
More for Health & Human Services
More for Light Rail
More State aid for cities
Better income for State employees
This seems to be what I remember hearing during the GOP years.
Now how much additional spending will it require? That is the question.
We have many ideas about what we want.
Remember Pogemiller's assistant majority leader Taryl Clark in 2007 gushing about all the wonderful things they were going to do? (She was soon muzzled by the DFL, seldom heard from again in that role.) And the $5 billion orgy of tax increases passed and vetoed by Pawlenty?
ReplyDeleteTarryl isn't in the senate anymore. And she wasn't a terribly influential figure when she was.
I think it will be >$40 million. Probably more on the order of $40 BILLION. And I note with some interest that, with those terrible Republicans in charge, the budget was stretched to $36 Billion and not a peep of privation was heard, nor were taxes raised. I conclude, therefore, that last year's spending was MORE than adequate and should be cut, and that taxes should not be raised just for the purpose of raising taxes, which seems to be the DFL's wont.