Monday, July 11, 2016

Giuliani Says BLM is Racist

I think Rudy is not too far off, and Bill is busy campaigning.  I would have a lot more respect for BLM if they actually focused on improving Black Lives.  Instead they are obsessed with the questionable deaths of a few Black Men while millions of Black Lives fail to meet their full potential and/or die early from many other causes.  It is somewhat like focusing on one water drip in the corner, when most of the ceiling is open to the rain.

And worse yet they want to blame American society for their failures and high risk lifestyles.  I am serious...  Is there a White person gang out there?  I mean the movies often show Black and Hispanic gangs shooting up the streets.  And sometimes there are White Biker gangs. Is Hollywood making this up or are most gangs.  Here are some facts National Gang Center  Looks like Hollywood is about right...
Racist Defined: "a person who believes in racism, the doctrine that one's own racial group is superior or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others."
Racism Defined:
  1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.
  2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
  3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

CNN Black Lives Matter is Racist
CNN De Blasio Praises BLM 


  1. Racist, Schmacist, it all comes down to math. I heard somebody in a debate yesterday say that the system is racist because the same number of blacks as whites use drugs and sell drugs, yet black people are more often arrested. If the "same number" were committing the crime, blacks would be committing the crime at SIX TIMES the rate of whites, since they are roughly 1/7 the population. If the police concentrate efforts in the high crime areas they are going to arrest many more blacks than whites. Sorry, BLM, but you need to clean up your own unequal behaviors before complaining about unequal treatment.

    I also heard a supporter saying something like "If I were a black father advising my son..." as if that were commonplace, and it simply is not-- it is in fact the exception in the "black community" to have a father participating in parenting his children. That isn't a moral judgement, it's just a fact and the "trouble with the law" statistics seem to support the idea that fathers are important.

  2. This is an interesting site.

    I think it supports the simple concept of probability. Here is some more data.

    "most recent figures provided by law enforcement are 46 percent Hispanic/Latino gang members, 35 percent African-American/black gang members, more than 11 percent white gang members, and 7 percent other race/ethnicity"

  3. A turning point in our political discourse occurred when Jon Stewart went on CNN and accused Paul Begala and Tucker Carlson of hurting America by engaging in artificial conflict to get ratings at the expense of a real discussion of issues. That pretty much launched Stewart's career, while dealing CNN a blow from which they have never recovered. Putting people like Giuliani on the cable in the way they do, with the expectations they impose on him, reminds me of Stewart's criticism and why and how CNN lost the credibility it once claim to strive for.

    Rudy wasn't on the show to share his thinking about Black Lives Matter. He was on the show to play his role, to say something provocative to attract attention, the child's equivalent of ratings.

    These issues are complicated. They are not one sided. An understanding of them is enhanced by tossing around labels thrown out by anyone.

  4. Over and over the Left and BLM throw out the Racist and Bigot labels. These are often aimed at Whites. Which ironically is an example of Racism and Bigotry.

    I don't think Rudy did or said anything different than what BLM and it's supporters do everyday.

  5. Given the many racially charged incidents the NYPD had when Rudy Giuliani was Mayor, he's got a lot of nerve criticizing BLM.

  6. WHO made those incidents "racially charged"? Doesn't it take two sides to make a confrontation?

  7. Ask Abner Louima. Or Amadou Diallo. Or Patrick Dorismond. (The last two are dead, so I don't suppose they'll be able to answer.)

  8. "The same Pew poll, for example, shows 84 percent of black Americans think the police treat black people unfairly vs. 50 percent of whites who think so; ..."

    Sometimes, opinion is exactly that-- formed not based on the reality but by what propagandists or just well-intentioned observers have said. Knowing that black people are something like six times more likely to break the law than whites, the perception is understandable, but it isn't unfairness or racism, it's the necessary and proper reaction. Police, as in Dallas, could do a better job of erasing this perception but it is obviously difficult under the circumstances and getting worse, not better, especially with "outside agitators" at work.

  9. Based on the definitions of racism posted, how does BLM qualify?

  10. I'll go with definition 3 for why BLM qualifies.

    "3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races."

  11. Can you cite specific examples of BLM racism toward other races, then?

  12. Here are some snippets from Sean's source.

    "What makes most black people think of racism as defining black existence in America, is a fear of being senselessly cut down by the police."

    "The point is that in these widely-publicized incidents, the case can almost never be made that these African American men deserved to be shot dead or that the cops who shot them had genuine cause to fear for their lives. And those who claim race has nothing to do with it bear the burden of presenting a robust list of white men who’ve been killed under similar circumstances year after year."

    "The point, rather, is that police violence is not just one of many issues in black America’s take on racism: It is the central one. If it were no longer a regular occurrence for black men to be killed for no reason, that would furnish the grounds for the “get over it” orientation that many wish black America would adopt. I highly suspect black America would foster the same, almost haughty, attitude toward racism that so many other groups do."

  13. Given data like this it is obviously rational for officers to be more nervous around young black men. No racism required.

  14. "Here are some snippets from Sean's source."

    None of these snippets represent "racism" as defined by the standards you provide.

  15. "a fear of being senselessly cut down by the police"

    Really... Apparently there are ~23 million Black men in America. It seems like a very irrational fear.

    I am thinking there is a much better chance of dying in a car accident or getting killed by another Black man.

  16. "I am thinking there is a much better chance of dying in a car accident or getting killed by another Black man."

    Well, sure. Same goes for, say, getting shot by an Islamic terrorist. Shall we do nothing about that, too?

    So you got nothing on the racism front, then?

  17. "If it were no longer a regular occurrence for black men to be killed for no reason,..."

    That's the point,here. It is NOT a regular occurrence by any stretch of the imagination. Of the thousands upon thousands of black men who have contact with the police over a year's time, only a tiny handful end up dead under questionable circumstances. Such rarity cannot possibly be attributable to widespread racism, though individual racist attitudes may be at work, in those rare cases. That is why we have trials for the police officers involved, something which, apparently, is opposed by the BLM and their hangers-on who prefer sentence first and trial later. And when a fair trial acquits an officer, again more common than not, BLM does not accept the verdict. THAT, to me, smacks of racism since it is only white officers so (unfairly) persecuted. And every "demonstration" cements the idea among the black population that they should NOT cooperate with the police, leading to more deaths at the hands of the police during confrontations, and MANY more deaths in their own community as police back away. The "Ferguson effect" seems to be quite real, and most detrimental to the community that created the problem.

  18. Please clarify the question.

    "So you got nothing on the racism front, then?"

  19. You haven't provided any evidence of BLM being "racist".

  20. "3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races."

    "Can you cite specific examples of BLM racism toward other races, then?" Sean

    There was a riot the other night where many "mostly White" officers were hurt.

    Many members of BLM speak of White Privilege, Systemic Racism set up by White people to keep them down, etc.

    Do you not see those as examples of Hate or Intolerance?

  21. How do you see their anger towards White Officers as being significantly different from how an actual White Racist would behave regarding a Black person?

  22. "There was a riot the other night where many "mostly White" officers were hurt."

    The St. Paul police department is over 80% white (while the city is only 55% white). I'm not aware of any evidence that white officers were specifically targeted. Are you?

    "How do you see their anger towards White Officers as being significantly different from how an actual White Racist would behave regarding a Black person?"

    BLM isn't angry at white officers. Half of the officers involved in the Freddie Gray case are black. They didn't call off the protests because of that. BLM is focused on poor behavior by police regardless of race.

    I'd also suggest that the centuries of discrimination (and worse) black folks have suffered in this country -- up to this very day -- make it very different.

    And finally, I would point out that BLM has proposed specific policies and solutions to address the problems they see.

  23. Just the point that you bring up this stat indicates the racist tendency against White officers. "80% white (while the city is only 55% white)"

    Then there all the complaints that we need to diversify the police departments to match their communities... It seems that would apply for the school Teachers also.

    By saying that we need more police or teachers of color to improve the situation, one is saying that the current White majority in these fields are less capable in some way than the non-White personnel. Seems like racism to me.

  24. Now if BLM and the similar organizations were focused on reducing the Black single parent household disaster, Reducing the gang membership rates, Reducing crime in the communities in which more Black people live, Helping young Black children to succeed in school, etc.

    Then I will believe that they are sincere in saying "Black Lives Matter".

    For now they are just people pointing at and complaining about a small portion at the tippy top of the iceberg while busily ignoring the rest of it.

  25. Here's an idea: how about we let individuals decide for themselves what they think the most important issues are. Particularly when they experience America in a completely different way. The biggest awakening I've had over the last few years of my life is learning to stop jumping to tell people what I think and instead just listen to their experiences -- because I never will face the sorts of problems that women or people of color or the LGBT community will face.

  26. Best way to end "racism" in this country is to shut the heck up about it. When you can use that as an excuse for any and all failures of personal responsibility, you lose all credibility. It is still true that 90% or more of blacks killed are killed by other blacks, and about 90% of blacks killed by police were engaged in some criminal activity at the time and not "innocent bystanders." And the reason there are more killings of blacks by white cops than by black cops is a) there are more white cops, and b) a black criminal is more likely to resist a white cop, believing they can claim racism.

    By the way, photos indicate about 75% of the BLM protesters blocking highways are white. Does that speak to their legitimacy?

  27. Sean,
    Unfortunately most human beings have a hard time accepting responsibility for their actions or that of their society.

    It is much easier to blame someone else.

    Just look at the 72% single mother stat... There are only 2 people who truly responsible for this... The Mother and the Father...

    And yet we have people blaming welfare, globalization, white privilege, etc.... Anyone is better than the Parents themselves...

  28. What you are saying is that this responsibility gets shifted off onto "white folks" thus accounting for the strange phenomenon of "white guilt." Sorry, but I refuse to accept any responsibility for children begotten by those other than myself. That seems to match the fact that 43 of the 48 arrested at the riots in Mpls were white. If this grievance is based on the "cultural experience" that whites "don't understand," what is this riotous behavior by whites about? Is it just an excuse for stupidity, for which there is no excuse? Just a case of "monkey see, monkey do"?

  29. Maybe it is more about Liberal White Guilt?

    They have bought into the story that they are responsible in some way for 72% of Black families being single Parent and/or unstable.

    Or the anarchists were in town...

  30. Or maybe it is simply the intellectual wasteland that is liberal thought? We are asked to believe that white people cannot understand the "black experience" and therefore have never learned to distrust the police. Yet when 43 of the 48 "Black Lives Matter" protesters arrested for attacking the police and dangerously blocking the interstate highway are white, we are expected to believe that now, suddenly, white people DO share and understand the black experience. Which is it??

    And we're asked to believe that this guy was just one deranged fellow and had nothing to do with the Black Lives Matter folks who were chanting, "what do we want? Dead cops! When do we want them? Now!" We are also asked to believe the shootings had nothing to do with the New Black Panther Party, a group of which he was an active member. Yet when some lone nut shoots up a Colorado theater, it was the fault of the Tea Party even though the guy was a Democrat. And when the guy shouting "Allahu Akbar" pledged allegiance to ISIS while shooting up a Florida gay nightclub, Obama tells us his motives may never be known, and that he he was acting alone. Sorry, but nothing about this movement seems to make sense.

  31. To override the justice And frankly, I have no idea what these demonstrations are all about except to cause a ruckus and alienate people. It is not as if they were calling attention to a situation being concealed from the public. The officer reported the incident promptly, immediate action was taken to relieve him of duty and a full investigation was launched. If warranted, just as in Ferguson and Baltimore, there will be a very public trial. It is obvious that these people have not only rushed to judgment, but are demanding a "justice" that has nothing to do with the facts of the matter. All their caterwauling is not and should not have any effect upon the proper procedure in such matters and that will, regardless of these outbreaks of lawlessness, deliver a fair and honest result in due time. Then it will be time for these crazies to go back out into the street again to scream for their form of justice, to override the justice already delivered. I think they just like to scream and throw things, like spoiled toddlers.

  32. Sen. Scott is correct that black people have a disproportionate rate of "contacts" with the police. It should also be noted that the police have a disproportionate rate of contacts with black people. On one side that is attributed to racism and on the other to simple criminal behavior. If there were another readily visible and statistically significant marker for suspicious behavior, like spiked hair or do-rags, I would expect the police to USE that marker. Until black crime rates are reduced we are going to have these discrepancies and portraying them as racism simply perpetuates the problem.

    Sen. Scott is also rightly indignant because police do not recognize him for the content of his character rather than the color of his skin. I would hope he would also reserve some of that outrage for those many for whom skin color coincides with a seriously flawed character, making the indignities he suffers more likely.
