Monday, July 11, 2016

Should Have Charged Clinton?

This is an interesting twist. Laurie said she thought people were losing interest in in Clinton's email.  I am not so sure...

CNN Majority Believe Clinton Should Have Been Charged


  1. I believe the same article said that this would not change many votes, except for a few "independents." There was a shift in the "less likely/more likely to vote for" numbers, but that was pretty much party lines hardening.

    To me the more interesting side of this is whether Trump can make hay out of it. Instead of calling her "crooked Hillary" he should be calling her "careless Hillary." Some wag made a post consisting of the word "oopsie" 200 times. How many errors do you make before you go from careless to criminal?

  2. Given that The Donald's business affairs couldn't sustain anything remotely like the scrutiny Hillary has had to deal with over the last 30 years, a switch away from the Crooked Hillary meme would be more than timely. Every time I see the "crooked Hillary" hash tag, I think, what could the Republicans possibly be thinking of?


  3. You don't think Democrats will do exactly what you are suggesting to Mr. Trump? The difference is that any dirty dealings in his business were HIS business, subject to the civil and criminal law, quite unlike the public corruption of Hillary.

    I will forgive Democrats, however and as I always have, because tearing down the Republican is the only Tool they have to win an election.
