Sunday, February 26, 2017

How to Help People

I think this is an interesting exchange from here.  I always find it interesting when a Liberal seems to think they are more caring and generous because they want to outsource solving a problem to strangers with someone else's money.
"Left leaning, liberal, progressive and socialist seem to be the favorite labels for people who want to exercise concerted actions in support of bettering the lives of the people. Individual responsibility does not preclude participating in cooperative efforts for social betterment. If these attempts to provide conditions which will allow society to help its members gain comfort and security are denigrated by calling it socialism then look at our current situation and ask how is that antisocial approach working." Reino 
"Actually I think this applies to both Liberals and Conservatives.  "people who want to exercise concerted actions in support of bettering the lives of the people"  The big difference is that the first group wants to delegate the effort to bureaucrats with funds taken from successful people.  The other groups wants to encourage all private citizens to freely give and help their less fortunate neighbors.

Please remember that the first group fought a war on poverty for 50+ years with trillions and trillions of dollars. Now poverty is still with us, the number of single family households is at an all time high and the academic achievement gap is still a big problem. Maybe it is time to try something else." G2A


  1. he big difference is that the first group wants to delegate the effort to bureaucrats with funds taken from successful people.

    Let's recall that our billionaire president himself, does not pay federal income taxes. And during the Bush years, Americans borrowed money to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy, money they squandered in the casinos of Wall Street.


  2. Does the above in anyway lessen the desire of the Liberals to ensure the successful pay much higher tax rates than everyone else so that the money can be given to the unsuccessful people by the bureaucrats?

    Or their belief that those unsuccessful people deserve food, healthcare, housing, children, etc whether they work hard and make good decisions... or sit on their butt and make bad decisions...

  3. The difference is that Liberals believe in community; Republicans believe in individualism without government.

  4. I guess I whole heartedly disagree.

    Many Republicans live in smaller communities, are part of a religious community, give to charities and donate their time.

    Many Liberals live in Urban areas, don't know their neighbors and keep wanting government / tax payers to support their neighbors.

    And I guess I have never met a Republican who wants to get rid of government. Mostly they want to get it out of the welfare business and return that to the communities.

    I guess that is the point of my post. Why are Liberals adamant that the federal government needs to help their neighbors? Why don't their communities want to help them directly?
