Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Another Funny :-)

Can he never admit making a mistake?


  1. What we know for certain:
    Trump caused the hurricane by withdrawing from Paris.
    Trump steered Dorian into Bermuda and away from Mar-el-Lago.
    Climate Change is manmade and will kill all life on the planet in ten or 12 or 20 or 30 or 50 or 100 or 200 years.
    Manmade CO2 is the cause of all Climate change.
    31,000 scientists can't be wrong.

  2. You look good in that red shirt. 😁

  3. All I know is that I am glad to be spared from the full fury of Donald Trump's sharpie-inspired hurricanes.


  4. I like his predictions better than those of the Democrat candidates, one of whom hoped that Mar-a-Lago would be completely wiped off the map. Sure glad Trump was doing the steering.

  5. It is interesting how so many people like it when Donald Trump lies to them..


  6. Hiram,
    I am sure the people of Alabama are even happier...

    And he still can not let his error go
