Wednesday, April 29, 2020

COVID Death Toll and Mortality Rate?

The numbers ARE WRONG...  And this is to be expected... :-)

I didn't understand how complicated this was until I dug into it...  Here are some of the things I learned:
  • People die at pretty consistent rates in the USA.  And the statisticians and tell us what "normal is".
  • Currently there are more deaths (~15,000+) in March and April than can be accounted for by what we know today.
  • These could be uncounted COVID deaths, increased "depression" deaths, people who died because they avoided going to the hospital for fear of COVID, increased murders, etc.  Or died of boredom for all we know.  All we know is that COVID or the lock down orders CHANGED something.
  • Each State apparently decides how to report cause of death... If a stable older person who has diabetes / high blood pressure and dies while fighting COVID.
  • It is possible that many more Americans have had COVID than are currently being reported
In summary:
  • the death count from COVID is likely somewhat higher than what is being reported.
  • the mortality rate from having COVID is likely somewhat lower than what is being reported. 
  • anyone who says they KNOW these 2 numbers today is lying. :-)
The questions are:
  • with the data we have, what decision will we make?
  • how much is protecting the old, ill, healthcare workers and unlucky from COVID from a natural virus worth?
  • what is the cost of lock downs, bailouts, business failures, etc and who is paying it?
  • how do we openly and calmly discuss these issues and make choices / take actions?
How accurate is the COVID Death Count (ABC)
US Death Toll Spikes Inexplicably High (The Hill)
How Accurate is COVID Death Toll? (Med Page)
CDC Provisional Death Count
John's Hopkins COVID Mortality
US COVID Deaths (Our World in Data)

COVID's other Casualties (Reuters)
Are stroke sufferers silent victims (UT)
Is COVID causing Strokes (Forbes)
COVID antibody tests, accuracy and importance (Wired)
Social Media Death Toll Claims? (Fact Check)


  1. A Sweden Update VOX

    A FB comment I left...

    " I did not say that Sweden's policy was wrong. I said that I think the statement "wait until this time next year and the numbers will equalize" is incorrect.

    Of course they will not be $5+ trillion further in debt to save 900,000 people... :-) :-(
    Now I had to use excel to do that math...

    The USA is paying / borrowing ~$5,555,556 to save each old, infirm and unlucky person... That is some REALLY EXPENSIVE healthcare...

    And that is if we don't lose a bunch of other Americans to suicide, delayed treatment, being too scared to go to hospital, etc? Then the cost just goes up..."

    Swedish Expert Explaining Rationale

  2. What about the doctors and nurses caring for all the sick people? How would they cope if we don't take action to try to limit the number of people getting sick. Do you know any doctors or nurses? Based on interviews I see on tv they look to have a very difficult job.

  3. Good point... I forgot them in my sentence this time...

    "how much is protecting the old, ill, healthcare workers and unlucky from COVID from a natural virus worth?"

    Of course, we should be able to supply them with adequate protective gear and limit their risk now that we have had time to prepare, buy, manufacturer and transport.

  4. Though it certainly will not help with the depression they will likely face from seeing ~900,000 suffocate to death.

    Of course both paths have high risks to deal with. :-(
