Raising social involvement, self awareness and self improvement topics, because our communities are the sum of our personal beliefs, behaviors, action or inaction. Only "we" can improve our family, work place, school, city, country, etc.
Jerry, It is true that people are nicer to friendly, likable, giving, honest, caring, sincere, knowledgeable, professional, etc people like Obama.
Trump chose to lie, attack, name call, do questionable things, be poorly informed, brag, be self focused, etc and therefore he is not liked or trusted by most Americans.
"58% of Americans say they don’t trust what Trump has said about the coronavirus, while 31% say they do.
93% of Democrats and 66% of Independents distrust Trump’s comments, as compared with only 22% of Republicans.
The percentage of Republicans who say they trust Trump’s coronavirus comments—69%—is lower than the 86% of Republicans who say they strongly or somewhat approve of Trump’s response to the coronavirus overall."
""58% of Americans say they don’t trust what Trump has said about the coronavirus, while 31% say they do" And this you believe is worthy of note? About the same number believe that 30 million Americans have already died from CV. If Trump says otherwise, is it a lie?
Of course it is worthy of note, if Trump was honest people would not question his statements as often. Since he lies and/ or exaggerates often, people question him often.
That is not a Media Hatefest, that is media doing their job.
Source for "same number believe that 30 million Americans have already died from CV"?
The question you need to answer is WHY so many Americans believe 30 million have died? Trump did not tell them that, yet it is outrageously untrue. If Trump quotes the real figure, how is that a lie? And the same with all the /other/ lies you endlessly rattle on about. How do ordinary people judge a lie? Is it because the NYT tells them so? or CNN? or....? The "people who question him often" are those [media and Democrats, to the degree that's not redundant] people who WANT to make him out a liar, twisting words or even inventing them, as suits their purpose.
It's pointless to play on your turf, and your mind is absolutely closed, but let me suggest one that just came to mind recently. Trump says (I paraphrase) "all of these riots are happening in cities that have been run by Democrats for years or even decades." Right away he is called a liar because ONE of the 18 recently elected a Republican mayor. Or you can call it an exaggeration to say 18 of 18, when the reality is only 17 of 18. The statement is essentially correct, and to nit-pick it is to deny the underlying truth. Now, how many of the other 428 are the same-- "lies" only because the haters want to hide fundamental truth? Go ahead, make the list.
And I notice you dodged my question. WHY does the totally misinformed public's perception of the truth entitle anyone to claim thereby that when Trump speaks absolute fact, he is lying? In what "delusional world" does that make sense?
How much of the whole quote do you think was accurate, truthful, etc?
"During his campaign rally in Tulsa on June 20, President Trump criticized Democratic leaders over poverty and crime, singling out Detroit and Baltimore.
“Twenty of twenty of the most dangerous cities in America are controlled by Democrats. Think of that. Twenty of twenty,” the president told his supporters. “So is nearly every major city with a child poverty rate that is over 30 percent. They are controlled by Democrats. You can name every one of them.”
“The murder rate of Baltimore and Detroit is higher than El Salvador, Guatemala, or even Afghanistan. How are they doing the Democrats running those cities? Your whole country will be like that,” he added."
OK, trump was 17/18 factual, and 1/18 exaggeration, if you insist on total accuracy. But to do that you are denying the fundamental and all-important underlying truth exposed by that statement. Not perfectly true, but a completely accurate general description of the situation.
Look up sources for yourself. The number of 30 million may be incorrect, but it's something like that. You seem to have no trouble finding sources supporting YOUR viewpoint.
18 cities was the quote I heard, and that one of them had recently elected a Republican mayor, making the claim of all 18 inaccurate. Do you have any evidence that the 20 in your quote are NOT "controlled by Democrats"?
OK- Dem-controlled vs rioting cities. Correlation or causation? Does it matter? Rioting OCCURS and is not stopped in Dem-=controlled cities. Does THAT matter?
Find me the 18 city quote then... But that does not change the fact that Trump made multiple false claims at his rally. (ie my sources)
As for DEMs not stopping it, of course they are stopping it or limiting it to small areas. I mean I personally never even noticed any disruption in Plymouth. And yet the GOP pretends that our cities are war zones.
By the way what do you think a GOP mayor would do differently? I mean they will have the same budgets. Or do you think they would implement martial law of some kind? And is that what the GOP supports?
Make all the excuses you want. They are either laughable on their face, or do not match the common perception. $550 million in damage to Minneapolis is not small, not to mention the tragedy of lives and livelihoods ruined by the rioting. Police ordered to stand down, watch police buildings burn and then be defunded, suggests that Democrats are, by action or inaction, complicit and certainly responsible. Perhaps the headline "Mostly peaceful protestors hurl mostly peaceful projectiles at police" will help you understand.
And let us consider that the justification for these riots is completely lacking. George Floyd apparently died of fentanyl. This fellow Blake in Kenosha was wanted for rape/murder/something, resisted arrest and had a knife (and is apparently alive). Statues of abolitionists and even black leaders were torn down. NOTHING justifies widespread destruction, arson and looting. The only reason you are trying to justify it is because Trump is condemning it.
By the way what do you think a GOP mayor would do differently? I mean they will have the same budgets. Or do you think they would implement martial law of some kind? And is that what the GOP supports?
I would be interested in more on "police ordered to stand down"?
"police ordered to stand down" look it up. precinct 3 evacuated and allowed to burn. Trump speech. Portland. Minneapolis nights 1-3. See also "police outnumbered/overwhelmed/spread too thin."
Differently? Don't talk about defunding cops. DEFEND cops when spurious charges are thrown about. Condemn the rioting and violence, loudly. Distinguish between peaceful and legitimate protest versus vandalism, looting, arson and mayhem. Insist on full investigation and the rule of law for police officers as well as protestors AND rioters. Call in the Guard if necessary and make mass arrests if necessary and insist on prosecution TTFEOTL. Find MORE non-lethal crowd control weapons, rather than restricting the few we have. What would a Democrat do differently than what they have done?
Again... What did you want the precinct 3 officers to do? Start shooting and escalate things further? Usually I think you would call that government overreaction.
The fentanyl presence will not protect the officer from conviction. The idiot refused to roll George over and start treating him like a man having health issues. His only chance is saying that he followed procedure. (kind of and poorly)
They have condemned the rioting and violence many times, and very loudly. Unfortunately when the rioters are in the midst of 10,000 protesters, cracking down is hard.
As for "Defund the Police", people say many things. We will see what happens.
So are you now a fan of curfews, lock downs, police states, etc?
Who is this "they"? Quotes, please, from night 1, 2, 3...
Precinct 3 should have used non-lethal weapons forcefully, And yes, warning shots first, and targeting firebombers as the last resort. Reinforcements would have been nice.
You seem to want to conflate the "rule of law" and "police state" like you and your fellow anti-Trumpers conflate "peaceful protests" with rioting, arson and attacks on the police. I hope you figure out that difference pretty soon, for all our sakes.
"defund the police" in Minneapolis isn't just people saying things. They actually took bold steps to actually do it, and a couple other cities have actually done so. Do you think it's a good idea?
The fentanyl as a cause of death SHOULD prevent conviction on the most serious charges brought against him-- and the rush to over-charge may result in an acquittal. That would be justice and the mob simply will not accept it. "no justice no peace" is simply an empty slogan to justify rioting and mayhem. It more correctly is written "justice no peace."
It is just a building... You want to start a fire fight with in essence a mob that is mostly law abiding protesters? Okay.
Again are you ready for curfews, government controlling protests, a massive police state presence, etc because 5% of the participants are criminals? This seems so anti-conservative "small government".
Mpls is not my concern, their citizens and elected officials get to do as they wish. That is what you support isn't it local control by local citizens?
Will "Defunding the Police" Work? If it breaks their police union it may help. Remember that I am anti-tenure and protecting questionable public employees. Which I thought you also supported? It will be interesting to see how it turns out...
Only the jury can decide if fentanyl or the knee on the neck was the cause of death. Either way the officer was in the wrong and should pay.
A /JURY/ gets to decide? When the autopsy clearly showed it WAS fentanyl and NOT the knee? With video evidence? And you have already decided the officer was "in the wrong" for following official procedure? Next thing you'll be telling me that Michael Brown was an innocent bystander.
Yes. A jury decides when a policeman keeps a struggling man restrained instead of giving him first aid and Narcan. You seem to be forgetting their role. "To Protect and Serve"
If George had been a straight arrow rather than a previously known and currently suspected criminal, a serious drug addict with major health problems, who resisted arrest, I would see things differently. Now, if you think we could give police more training in recognizing drug impairment from new things like fentanyl, I'm all for that. And had George settled down and asked for help, things /might/ have turned out differently, though fentanyl is frequently fatal regardless.
Interesting tidbit from, I think, the Star Tribune. Mayor Frey declares curfew, city calm. So one wonders why he didn't do that before. About the 4th paragraph or so they mention the 1000 National Guard and 500 State Troopers that just happened to be standing around watching that highly-effective curfew solve the problem.
Jerry, So now you are looking for reasons to justify the officer removing him from the squad car, laying him on his stomach and placing his knee on the back of his neck?
The jury will decided the officer's guilt or innocence.
"During this attempt, at 20:19, Mr Chauvin pulled Mr Floyd away from the passenger side, causing him to fall to the ground, the report said.
He lay there, face down, still in handcuffs.
That's when witnesses started to film Mr Floyd, who appeared to be in a distressed state. These moments, captured on multiple mobile phones and shared widely on social media, would prove to be Mr Floyd's last.
Mr Floyd was restrained by officers, while Mr Chauvin placed his left knee between his head and neck.
For seven minutes and 46 seconds, Mr Chauvin kept his knee on Mr Floyd's neck, the prosecutors' report says. The duration was initially given as eight minutes and 46 seconds until Minnesota prosecutors corrected the figure three weeks after Mr Floyd's death.
The transcripts of bodycam footage from officers Lane and J Alexander Kueng show Mr Floyd said more than 20 times he could not breathe as he was restrained. He was also pleading for his mother and begging "please, please, please".
At one point, Mr Floyd gasps: "You're going to kill me, man."
Officer Chauvin replies: "Then stop talking, stop yelling. It takes heck of a lot of oxygen to talk."
Mr Floyd says: "Can't believe this, man. Mom, love you. Love you. Tell my kids I love them. I'm dead."
A female bystander told the police: "His nose is bleeding, come on now."
About six minutes into that period, Mr Floyd became non-responsive. In videos of the incident, this was when Mr Floyd fell silent, as bystanders urged the officers to check his pulse.
Officer Kueng did just that, checking Mr Floyd's right wrist, but "couldn't find one". Yet the other officers did not move.
At 20:27, Mr Chauvin removed his knee from Mr Floyd's neck. Motionless, Mr Floyd was rolled on to a gurney and taken to the Hennepin County Medical Center in an ambulance.
First, you have a biased interpretation of events, then another. The most telling evidence is when Floyd says "I can't breath" long before he is pinned down (like in congestive heart failure brought on by fentanyl), and that he ASKS to lay on the ground. I didn't hear a request for help. So explain to me how this is a terrible tragedy justifying massive arson, looting, and assaults, and that it is all Trump's fault for telling the truth about it?
Every time people riot, there should be sufficient legal force brought to bear to stop the unlawful riot. Mayors and Governors are supposed to do that, but only the night before FINALLY did so. Since they declared a curfew many times, it is risible that such is credited with ending the violence, when the NEW element was the huge police presence.
And yes, after many nights of unchecked riot, looting, and dangerous mayhem, the case for "just in case" seems pretty strong.
Do you think "lay on the ground" meant on his chest with officer(s) kneeling on him?
I think Walz did good at escalating the police presence pretty rapidly as the situation deteriorated. And last week they jump on the unrest before it could escalate.
Democrats and Republicans live alternate realities. Only one is likely to be correct. I believe the science--the official autopsy-- which says the whole "racist cop murder" is a fabrication used as an excuse to incite violence. Obviously, black lives don't matter to Black Lives Matter.
Truth-- Trump says there is rioting in major cities. Democrats call them "mostly peaceful protests."
Of course they can be ignored. Portland is a LONG WAYS from here and not my problem.
They have Local and State governments to address or not address a local problem.
And if their government reps make the wrong decision they will be removed from office.
And it seems that Kenosha has quieted down after a rough start.
So again, other than to rile up his base... Why is Trump focused on Portland when we have far more people dying due to COVID, hurricanes, normal crime, etc?
Why would he encourage armed militias to go to Portland other than to cause more violence?
Turn your question around. Why are thousands of people looting and burning down black neighborhoods (and others), attacking police, reporters and innocent bystanders just because one happens-to-be-black criminal has a near-fatal run-in with the police?
As for your "sense of proportion," why are we concerned about ONE police shooting of a black man when every day there are dozens of black men shot by other black men?
"And if their government reps make the wrong decision they will be removed from office."
You make the silliest arguments sometimes. When will these idiots/fools/dreamers "be removed from office"? November at the very earliest, two years from November more likely, and you overlook that they got elected in the first place by people who believed that a "D" by your name meant you could solve all these problems just by speaking the magic words. And even if they were, how many businesses and neighborhoods must burn down, and black people die, before these Democrat office-holders take responsibility?
The proper response is "law and order" and not just the words. Trump is the only one seemingly willing to do what is necessary. "Focussing" on Portland is because it is an immediate and easily fixed problem that Democrats do NOT want Trump to fix, while unwilling to do it themselves.
Because police are employees of the government, they are not to harm or kill citizens except when absolutely necessary. They are to protect and serve, not threaten and kill.
You really are starting to sound like a fascism supporter.
"Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, as well as strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe."
What citizens do to each other is a whole different issue.
Again... You are wanting to have the Federal government invade the States against their will. This SO NOT Conservative.
Conservatives like me believe in States and the roles and responsibilities...
For years you fought the Feds interfering in Local education even though millions of kids were being damaged in Red States.. And now you want the Feds to invade a city.
VOX's Take On Speech
ReplyDeleteFOX's Coverage
The Hill Obama Gets Under Trump's Skin
ReplyDeleteObama-- media lovefest. Trump - media hatefest. Surprise, surprise.
ReplyDeleteEverybody hates a whiner.
ReplyDeleteIt is true that people are nicer to friendly, likable, giving, honest, caring, sincere, knowledgeable, professional, etc people like Obama.
Trump chose to lie, attack, name call, do questionable things, be poorly informed, brag, be self focused, etc and therefore he is not liked or trusted by most Americans.
Majority Distrust Trump
"58% of Americans say they don’t trust what Trump has said about the coronavirus, while 31% say they do.
93% of Democrats and 66% of Independents distrust Trump’s comments, as compared with only 22% of Republicans.
The percentage of Republicans who say they trust Trump’s coronavirus comments—69%—is lower than the 86% of Republicans who say they strongly or somewhat approve of Trump’s response to the coronavirus overall."
""58% of Americans say they don’t trust what Trump has said about the coronavirus, while 31% say they do" And this you believe is worthy of note? About the same number believe that 30 million Americans have already died from CV. If Trump says otherwise, is it a lie?
ReplyDeleteOf course it is worthy of note, if Trump was honest people would not question his statements as often. Since he lies and/ or exaggerates often, people question him often.
ReplyDeleteThat is not a Media Hatefest, that is media doing their job.
Source for "same number believe that 30 million Americans have already died from CV"?
The question you need to answer is WHY so many Americans believe 30 million have died? Trump did not tell them that, yet it is outrageously untrue. If Trump quotes the real figure, how is that a lie? And the same with all the /other/ lies you endlessly rattle on about. How do ordinary people judge a lie? Is it because the NYT tells them so? or CNN? or....? The "people who question him often" are those [media and Democrats, to the degree that's not redundant] people who WANT to make him out a liar, twisting words or even inventing them, as suits their purpose.
ReplyDeleteGo find the recent poll, or polls.
ReplyDeleteI am not sure why you choose to stay in your delusional world, but you are welcome to it.
As I have offered before... Pick one of the 428 False or Pants on Fire issues and we can discuss it in detail.
It's pointless to play on your turf, and your mind is absolutely closed, but let me suggest one that just came to mind recently. Trump says (I paraphrase) "all of these riots are happening in cities that have been run by Democrats for years or even decades." Right away he is called a liar because ONE of the 18 recently elected a Republican mayor. Or you can call it an exaggeration to say 18 of 18, when the reality is only 17 of 18. The statement is essentially correct, and to nit-pick it is to deny the underlying truth. Now, how many of the other 428 are the same-- "lies" only because the haters want to hide fundamental truth? Go ahead, make the list.
ReplyDeleteAnd I notice you dodged my question. WHY does the totally misinformed public's perception of the truth entitle anyone to claim thereby that when Trump speaks absolute fact, he is lying? In what "delusional world" does that make sense?
ReplyDeleteThe reality is that Trump was wrong. Did he issue a correction, apologize or any of the things normal people would do?
ReplyDeleteAgain, I expect honestly and factual information from my public officials when they speak.
I didn't skip your question. I asked for proof of "totally misinformed"...
"Source for "same number believe that 30 million Americans have already died from CV"?"
How much of the whole quote do you think was accurate, truthful, etc?
ReplyDelete"During his campaign rally in Tulsa on June 20, President Trump criticized Democratic leaders over poverty and crime, singling out Detroit and Baltimore.
“Twenty of twenty of the most dangerous cities in America are controlled by Democrats. Think of that. Twenty of twenty,” the president told his supporters. “So is nearly every major city with a child poverty rate that is over 30 percent. They are controlled by Democrats. You can name every one of them.”
“The murder rate of Baltimore and Detroit is higher than El Salvador, Guatemala, or even Afghanistan. How are they doing the Democrats running those cities? Your whole country will be like that,” he added."
OK, trump was 17/18 factual, and 1/18 exaggeration, if you insist on total accuracy. But to do that you are denying the fundamental and all-important underlying truth exposed by that statement. Not perfectly true, but a completely accurate general description of the situation.
ReplyDeleteLook up sources for yourself. The number of 30 million may be incorrect, but it's something like that. You seem to have no trouble finding sources supporting YOUR viewpoint.
Actually he was 17 / 20ths.
ReplyDeleteAgain he issued NO corrections when the error was identified.
Likely he will use the lie again if history is any lesson.
And do you think this is correct? "murder rate of Baltimore and Detroit is higher than El Salvador, Guatemala, or even Afghanistan" Really?
And please remember that most big cities have DEM mayors... So of course crime, cities and DEMs are correlated.
Your outrageous claim, you can prove it unless I get bored.
I did a search... No Luck...
ReplyDeletepoll people think millions have died from covid
18 cities was the quote I heard, and that one of them had recently elected a Republican mayor, making the claim of all 18 inaccurate. Do you have any evidence that the 20 in your quote are NOT "controlled by Democrats"?
ReplyDeletetop result on google:
ReplyDeletepeople believe deaths from virus
OK- Dem-controlled vs rioting cities. Correlation or causation? Does it matter? Rioting OCCURS and is not stopped in Dem-=controlled cities. Does THAT matter?
ReplyDeleteWhat a silly question... Asking normal people about percentages instead of a number.
ReplyDeleteAnd Breitbart converting it to a number for headlines.
The unfortunate reality is that most people don't understand percentages.
See page 24
Find me the 18 city quote then... But that does not change the fact that Trump made multiple false claims at his rally. (ie my sources)
ReplyDeleteAs for DEMs not stopping it, of course they are stopping it or limiting it to small areas. I mean I personally never even noticed any disruption in Plymouth. And yet the GOP pretends that our cities are war zones.
By the way what do you think a GOP mayor would do differently? I mean they will have the same budgets. Or do you think they would implement martial law of some kind? And is that what the GOP supports?
Make all the excuses you want. They are either laughable on their face, or do not match the common perception. $550 million in damage to Minneapolis is not small, not to mention the tragedy of lives and livelihoods ruined by the rioting. Police ordered to stand down, watch police buildings burn and then be defunded, suggests that Democrats are, by action or inaction, complicit and certainly responsible. Perhaps the headline "Mostly peaceful protestors hurl mostly peaceful projectiles at police" will help you understand.
ReplyDeleteAnd let us consider that the justification for these riots is completely lacking. George Floyd apparently died of fentanyl. This fellow Blake in Kenosha was wanted for rape/murder/something, resisted arrest and had a knife (and is apparently alive). Statues of abolitionists and even black leaders were torn down. NOTHING justifies widespread destruction, arson and looting. The only reason you are trying to justify it is because Trump is condemning it.
ReplyDeleteLet me try again...
ReplyDeleteBy the way what do you think a GOP mayor would do differently? I mean they will have the same budgets. Or do you think they would implement martial law of some kind? And is that what the GOP supports?
I would be interested in more on "police ordered to stand down"?
"police ordered to stand down" look it up. precinct 3 evacuated and allowed to burn. Trump speech. Portland. Minneapolis nights 1-3. See also "police outnumbered/overwhelmed/spread too thin."
ReplyDeleteDifferently? Don't talk about defunding cops. DEFEND cops when spurious charges are thrown about. Condemn the rioting and violence, loudly. Distinguish between peaceful and legitimate protest versus vandalism, looting, arson and mayhem. Insist on full investigation and the rule of law for police officers as well as protestors AND rioters. Call in the Guard if necessary and make mass arrests if necessary and insist on prosecution TTFEOTL. Find MORE non-lethal crowd control weapons, rather than restricting the few we have. What would a Democrat do differently than what they have done?
Again... What did you want the precinct 3 officers to do? Start shooting and escalate things further? Usually I think you would call that government overreaction.
ReplyDeleteThe fentanyl presence will not protect the officer from conviction. The idiot refused to roll George over and start treating him like a man having health issues. His only chance is saying that he followed procedure. (kind of and poorly)
They have condemned the rioting and violence many times, and very loudly. Unfortunately when the rioters are in the midst of 10,000 protesters, cracking down is hard.
As for "Defund the Police", people say many things. We will see what happens.
So are you now a fan of curfews, lock downs, police states, etc?
Who is this "they"? Quotes, please, from night 1, 2, 3...
ReplyDeletePrecinct 3 should have used non-lethal weapons forcefully, And yes, warning shots first, and targeting firebombers as the last resort. Reinforcements would have been nice.
You seem to want to conflate the "rule of law" and "police state" like you and your fellow anti-Trumpers conflate "peaceful protests" with rioting, arson and attacks on the police. I hope you figure out that difference pretty soon, for all our sakes.
"defund the police" in Minneapolis isn't just people saying things. They actually took bold steps to actually do it, and a couple other cities have actually done so. Do you think it's a good idea?
The fentanyl as a cause of death SHOULD prevent conviction on the most serious charges brought against him-- and the rush to over-charge may result in an acquittal. That would be justice and the mob simply will not accept it. "no justice no peace" is simply an empty slogan to justify rioting and mayhem. It more correctly is written "justice no peace."
Gov Walz, Joe Biden, and most major politicians.
ReplyDeleteIt is just a building... You want to start a fire fight with in essence a mob that is mostly law abiding protesters? Okay.
Again are you ready for curfews, government controlling protests, a massive police state presence, etc because 5% of the participants are criminals? This seems so anti-conservative "small government".
Mpls is not my concern, their citizens and elected officials get to do as they wish. That is what you support isn't it local control by local citizens?
Will "Defunding the Police" Work? If it breaks their police union it may help. Remember that I am anti-tenure and protecting questionable public employees. Which I thought you also supported? It will be interesting to see how it turns out...
Only the jury can decide if fentanyl or the knee on the neck was the cause of death. Either way the officer was in the wrong and should pay.
By the, I have moved on.
A /JURY/ gets to decide? When the autopsy clearly showed it WAS fentanyl and NOT the knee? With video evidence? And you have already decided the officer was "in the wrong" for following official procedure? Next thing you'll be telling me that Michael Brown was an innocent bystander.
ReplyDeleteYes. A jury decides when a policeman keeps a struggling man restrained instead of giving him first aid and Narcan. You seem to be forgetting their role. "To Protect and Serve"
ReplyDeleteAnd though neck restraints were allowed if he had adequate training. The policy was also very clear about protecting the suspect.
Maybe if George had been White you would see things differently?
ReplyDeleteInsults, again. You cannot seem to avoid them.
ReplyDeleteIf George had been a straight arrow rather than a previously known and currently suspected criminal, a serious drug addict with major health problems, who resisted arrest, I would see things differently. Now, if you think we could give police more training in recognizing drug impairment from new things like fentanyl, I'm all for that. And had George settled down and asked for help, things /might/ have turned out differently, though fentanyl is frequently fatal regardless.
Interesting tidbit from, I think, the Star Tribune. Mayor Frey declares curfew, city calm. So one wonders why he didn't do that before. About the 4th paragraph or so they mention the 1000 National Guard and 500 State Troopers that just happened to be standing around watching that highly-effective curfew solve the problem.
ReplyDeleteSo now you are looking for reasons to justify the officer removing him from the squad car, laying him on his stomach and placing his knee on the back of his neck?
The jury will decided the officer's guilt or innocence.
So every time citizens want to protest we should declare a curfew and activate 1500 extra personnel just in case things head South?
ReplyDeleteWhen White Conservative gun toters / neo Nazis protest should we do the same thing?
Maybe we should use over whelming government force to stifle all protests?
Maybe that is why folks think views like yours are fascist... :-)
To help you understand the timeline better.
ReplyDelete"During this attempt, at 20:19, Mr Chauvin pulled Mr Floyd away from the passenger side, causing him to fall to the ground, the report said.
He lay there, face down, still in handcuffs.
That's when witnesses started to film Mr Floyd, who appeared to be in a distressed state. These moments, captured on multiple mobile phones and shared widely on social media, would prove to be Mr Floyd's last.
Mr Floyd was restrained by officers, while Mr Chauvin placed his left knee between his head and neck.
For seven minutes and 46 seconds, Mr Chauvin kept his knee on Mr Floyd's neck, the prosecutors' report says. The duration was initially given as eight minutes and 46 seconds until Minnesota prosecutors corrected the figure three weeks after Mr Floyd's death.
The transcripts of bodycam footage from officers Lane and J Alexander Kueng show Mr Floyd said more than 20 times he could not breathe as he was restrained. He was also pleading for his mother and begging "please, please, please".
At one point, Mr Floyd gasps: "You're going to kill me, man."
Officer Chauvin replies: "Then stop talking, stop yelling. It takes heck of a lot of oxygen to talk."
Mr Floyd says: "Can't believe this, man. Mom, love you. Love you. Tell my kids I love them. I'm dead."
A female bystander told the police: "His nose is bleeding, come on now."
About six minutes into that period, Mr Floyd became non-responsive. In videos of the incident, this was when Mr Floyd fell silent, as bystanders urged the officers to check his pulse.
Officer Kueng did just that, checking Mr Floyd's right wrist, but "couldn't find one". Yet the other officers did not move.
At 20:27, Mr Chauvin removed his knee from Mr Floyd's neck. Motionless, Mr Floyd was rolled on to a gurney and taken to the Hennepin County Medical Center in an ambulance.
He was pronounced dead about an hour later.
And some new video
ReplyDeleteAnd another
It seems George asked for help repeatedly, just to be ignored by the officer in charge.
First, you have a biased interpretation of events, then another. The most telling evidence is when Floyd says "I can't breath" long before he is pinned down (like in congestive heart failure brought on by fentanyl), and that he ASKS to lay on the ground. I didn't hear a request for help. So explain to me how this is a terrible tragedy justifying massive arson, looting, and assaults, and that it is all
ReplyDeleteTrump's fault for telling the truth about it?
Every time people riot, there should be sufficient legal force brought to bear to stop the unlawful riot. Mayors and Governors are supposed to do that, but only the night before FINALLY did so. Since they declared a curfew many times, it is risible that such is credited with ending the violence, when the NEW element was the huge police presence.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, after many nights of unchecked riot, looting, and dangerous mayhem, the case for "just in case" seems pretty strong.
Do you think "lay on the ground" meant on his chest with officer(s) kneeling on him?
ReplyDeleteI think Walz did good at escalating the police presence pretty rapidly as the situation deteriorated. And last week they jump on the unrest before it could escalate.
And what Truth has Trump shared?
I think only Portland has had extended problems.
Democrats and Republicans live alternate realities. Only one is likely to be correct. I believe the science--the official autopsy-- which says the whole "racist cop murder" is a fabrication used as an excuse to incite violence. Obviously, black lives don't matter to Black Lives Matter.
ReplyDeleteTruth-- Trump says there is rioting in major cities. Democrats call them "mostly peaceful protests."
I think you had better read read that again
ReplyDeleteOther than Portland and Kenosha... Where are these riots?
And if they occur in only Portland and Kenosha, can they be ignored? You are going a long way around to believe what you want.
ReplyDeleteOf course they can be ignored. Portland is a LONG WAYS from here and not my problem.
ReplyDeleteThey have Local and State governments to address or not address a local problem.
And if their government reps make the wrong decision they will be removed from office.
And it seems that Kenosha has quieted down after a rough start.
So again, other than to rile up his base... Why is Trump focused on Portland when we have far more people dying due to COVID, hurricanes, normal crime, etc?
Why would he encourage armed militias to go to Portland other than to cause more violence?
Turn your question around. Why are thousands of people looting and burning down black neighborhoods (and others), attacking police, reporters and innocent bystanders just because one happens-to-be-black criminal has a near-fatal run-in with the police?
ReplyDeleteAs for your "sense of proportion," why are we concerned about ONE police shooting of a black man when every day there are dozens of black men shot by other black men?
"And if their government reps make the wrong decision they will be removed from office."
ReplyDeleteYou make the silliest arguments sometimes. When will these idiots/fools/dreamers "be removed from office"? November at the very earliest, two years from November more likely, and you overlook that they got elected in the first place by people who believed that a "D" by your name meant you could solve all these problems just by speaking the magic words. And even if they were, how many businesses and neighborhoods must burn down, and black people die, before these Democrat office-holders take responsibility?
The proper response is "law and order" and not just the words. Trump is the only one seemingly willing to do what is necessary. "Focussing" on Portland is because it is an immediate and easily fixed problem that Democrats do NOT want Trump to fix, while unwilling to do it themselves.
Because police are employees of the government, they are not to harm or kill citizens except when absolutely necessary. They are to protect and serve, not threaten and kill.
ReplyDeleteYou really are starting to sound like a fascism supporter.
"Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, as well as strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe."
What citizens do to each other is a whole different issue.
Again... You are wanting to have the Federal government invade the States against their will. This SO NOT Conservative.
Conservatives like me believe in States and the roles and responsibilities...
For years you fought the Feds interfering in Local education even though millions of kids were being damaged in Red States.. And now you want the Feds to invade a city.
At least now I understand how fascism is enabled.
Continued Here