Friday, October 30, 2020

The Coming Red Wave?

Or so one of my friends believe.  Yes he actually appeared to be serious.  And no I did not try to convince him otherwise, since voter turnout is everything in these elections.  And I have no sense if the often dead beat DEM supporters like Biden or hate Trump enough to get to the polls.

Personally I think it is going to be a Blue Wave because Trump has effectively pissed off or disgusted everyone except his base... (see comic)  Touch to zoom and read FrankenBiden parts.

I just think of all the Moderate Independents and Republicans like myself who were going to give him a chance because of our dislike / distrust of Clinton.  And how he totally failed at being honest, professional, fiscally conservative, showing humility, showing empathy, etc. So I know that is literally millions of votes that Trump lost...  

I am very interested in what happens Tuesday?  I am hoping it is a blow out for Biden, so we can soon put this unfortunate experiment behind us like MN put Jesse Venture behind it.  And I think Jesse was far smarter, more honest and more professional than Trump. :-) 

Poll Discussions 1

Poll Discussion 2


  1. Does voting for Biden prove you are a moderate as you claim? I would still label you a moderate republican. How does it feel voing for a democrat? Is it a "hold your nose" vote for Biden or do you like him?

    1. It doesn’t matter if you are a hold your nose voter or whether you comparatively like Biden. The real issue four more years of chaos, greed and lies

  2. Laurie,
    You seem to be implying that there is a big gap between "Republican" and "Democratic" voters?

    Where as I see over lap at times depending which issues are nearest to their heart or wallet.

    In your view is Colin Peterson a Conservative Democrat or a Liberal Republican? Does the label matter? (see graph here)

    I think I am still where I was... (See G2A Label on Graph

    I certainly would rather be voting for Mitt Romney or Collin Peterson, but I will plug my nose and vote for Biden. (See graph here

  3. Michael,
    I agree whole heartedly !!!!

    I told a Trump True Believer that I could not accept the Lies and Deficits anymore.

    The said "What Lies"... I still can not understand that level of denial of reality...

  4. Now that the republican party has become Trump's party it is better to consider oneslf a conservative democrat rather than a liberal republican. I can't see how people would want to be associated with Trump's party.

  5. I think there is a big gap between republicans and democrats in congress. Voters not as much. Republicans in congress hate Obamacare and a majority of voters like it.

    I have been thinking about how much Biden and the democrats in congress will get done if they win contol, how much that they will do that you disagree with.

    I think it will be not that much. Even if they get rid of the filibuster in the senate, whatever they pass will need nearly unanimous dem support and will need to get the support of the most conservative dem. senators (think of J. Lieberman and the ACA.)

    It makes me curious as to who are the most conservative dem senators and what will they support. And I am not at all sure the dems will have the good sense to get rid of the filibuster.

  6. Well, if they do get rid of the filibuster and go progressive...

    I think they will doom themselves to a very short period of time in control.

    Think back to the 2008 and 2010 elections...

    The pendulum just keeps swinging as the crazy extremists seize control. :-)

    First the right, then the Left, then the right, and now the ????

  7. I think the Obama administration had a pretty moderate record. The ACA was basically a Romney/GOP plan. What did Obama and the dems do that you object to?

    No mater what a Biden and a dem congress does it will be painted as extreme by Fox and the GOP. With conservative dem senators anything they pass will very likely be quite moderate.

    As this election has been mostly about Trump, Biden hasn't campaigned strongly on many specific policies he will try to pass.

  8. Laurie,
    Rationalize "it was a GOP" plan all you want. It got ZERO GOP Senate votes and was passed by one party. And a Red wave followed soon after.

    After which Obama's hands were pretty well tied.

    I am sure that Tribe Conservative will say that Biden and what he does is terrible...

    Just as Tribe Liberal has said that that Trump has done is terrible.

    It seems to be a nasty cycle we have trapped ourselves in. :-(

  9. In 2008 the GOP was not going to support anything that Obama and the dems did no matter what. When Trump is president the dem house still wants to get things done.

    I don't know why you have such a hard time with false equivalency between the parties and the presidents, when Obama is one of the beter presidents and Trump is the very worst.

  10. Laurie,
    The DEM house has been blocking Trump's efforts just as the GOP House blocked Obama's...

    Not sure why you deny this simple reality of politics.

  11. What has Trump tried to pass the the house has blocked? What have McConnel and the GOP senate passed? As far as I can tell from Trump's campaign rallies and interviews he has no agenda.

  12. Trump tried to pass immigration reform and the DEMs blocked it.

    He tried to pass spending reductions and the DEMs blocked them.

    He tried to pass smaller targeted stimulus bills and Pelosi blocked it.

    To name a few.

  13. I am pretty sure Republicans in congress and in the courts will block Democrats from doing anything, and then campaign against do nothing Democrats two and four years from now. Our system is failing because the norms have been shattered beyond repair. There may be a path forward, but there is no going back.


  14. What exactly do we "Need / Want" the government to do?

    It is only the extremes that want big change...

  15. I want Biden and the dems to raise taxes on the rich. I think people who lost their jobs to covid need more govt assistance. We many need to do a lot on health care if scotus gets rid of Obamacare, otherwise we may need to do a little on healthcare. The immigration mess needs govt action. I am sure there is plenty to spend on for improving infrastructure. As the election has been all about Trump, Biden does not have a strong manade on his policies if he wins. I don't expect big things will get done (unless they need to redo healthcare)

  16. I do agree that ACA needs to be repaired and strengthened. And I think the tax penalties for not carrying insurance when you can afford to should be re-instituted with big fines. There is no excuse for people not paying into a system that covers pre-existing conditions.

    I think every citizen should pay more in taxes until we get a balanced budget. This National Debt mess started with the Bush tax cuts in 2001 that saved every one of us money.

    I do not look forward to DEMs pandering to ILLEGAL residents and promoting / enabling a nearly uncontrolled questionably legal mass economic migration from south of the border. We have enough poor and academically challenged citizens who should be forced to take any job that pays.

    It will be interesting to see what happens.

  17. With the country falling apart, but with the real possibility of a Democratic president, suddenly, balancing the budget reemerges as a major concern. We may be poor but at least we will all be broke. That will do just fine in seeting up the conditions in which the next demagogue the Republicans nominate for president will thrive.


  18. Biden looks to restore, expand Obama administration policies

    One of the things that Biden and the dems might do that would not help them in the 2022 midterm is a path to citizenship for millions of illegal immigrants. I think they should do it anyhow because it is the right thing to do.

  19. Expect a lot more of the same if Trump wins a second term

    my 2 links about Biden and Trump were in the St. Paul paper today.

  20. Biden looks to Restore

    I am indifferent about what we do with our current illegal residents...

    I am concerned that Biden policies will promote more people risking their lives to try and force their way into the USA either legally or illegally. Instead of staying and fighting to fix their own home country.
