Monday, November 2, 2020

GOP Supporting Chaos?

 I am used to Trump supporting physically confrontations between citizens for his benefit, but I am very disappointed that seemingly Marco Rubio joined in when he praised the Texas road confrontation incident.

Then of course we have other Trump supporters shutting down highways just like some other protesters that they vilify. 

The good news is that the GOP Voter Suppression efforts seem to be failing.  Here is an interesting summary of the current voter suppression techniques being used by Trump etal.  And another.

I guess Trump's theory is that if he can not gain their trust and support, just make sure their voices can not be heard.  Kind of what he has tried to do with everyone that has left his staff.


  1. I have been told so many times by Republicans that votes don't matter. I have been told so many times that political power is based on force, not on the consent of the governed. What is the alternative to voting? How else does one meet force?


  2. You are talking to some strange people...

  3. Or maybe you are interpreting their words incorrectly... :-)
