Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Shoot My Dog?

Of course, I would not...  But sometimes it would be so tempting...  

Now what has my beautiful loving best friend done to frustrate me so greatly?

Well since I am quarantining with her at the farm (day 12), I took her out pheasant hunting.  Now I am not an avid hunter, however a few times a year I go out for a couple hours at a time.  And I was spoiled by my previous dog, a Springer Spaniel named Cassie who loved hunting pheasants.

Now our best guess is that Izzy is part Golden Lab and part Fox Hound.  (ie rescued form Missouri)  Which unfortunately means that she "hunts" almost always and pretty much everything.  So why would this frustrate me so much?  Well imagine:

  • following Izzy just to find a rabbit hole
  • or when Izzy walks off to the short grass because that is where the gophers are
  • or her fascination with deer trails
  • or her new bad habit of following me when the going gets tough... (maybe at 8+ she decided she is the elder) :-) 

Well though she frustrates me greatly.  I am sure she is equally frustrated, we kicked up a hen and 2 roosters in an hour today and I missed both the roosters. :-)

Well I am here fore 2 more days so we will try again tomorrow !!! 


  1. If there were a like button on this screen, I would push it.


  2. Thank you.

    I sent dummy out an hour ago and she has happily disappeared into the farm's grove... No wonder she is too pooped to hunt...

    If curious... This is the farm site she is enjoying while I work remotely.
