Thursday, November 19, 2020

Trump Believers Have Lost Their Minds

Who would trust these yahoos on ANYTHING?

And now they are trying to convince Legislators to over rule the voters in a state.

Joe now has ~6 MILLION more votes than Donny and people still are denying reality.

That simple reality is that Trump is a lying self centered a**hole who never worked to broaden his base of support.  Therefore when he lost millions of voters like me he was SCREWED...

And if you missed Rudy's latest CRAZY where he said Cuba and Venezuela are involved in a mass conspiracy... Maybe FOX can help you... I saw some of it.  It was surreal...


  1. Had you taken part in the official audit of the voting results, you would KNOW that the DFL stole the election in Minnesota wherever possible. But of course you would continue to spout the same nonsense over and over, regardless of the truth.

  2. No... I would request that you prove your accusation.

    Just as you would of me if I made the reverse accusation.

    Apparently Trump etal is 1 for 28 in proving any issue.

    And none of them are going to impact the election result.

  3. And if the DEMs rigged the election...

    Wouldn't they have ensured they won the Senate?

    The accusations are non-sensical...

    The simple truth: Trump alienated the majority of citizen so badly that they showed up to vote in mass number to fire him.

    Given his abrasive personality, I am sure why that is so hard to believe?

  4. I often get criticized for my Weimar Germany analogies but this how our government is failing. Our constitutional system is no longer capable of producing legitimacy.


  5. Don't blame the government for the foolishness of conspiracy theory "crazies" and those who are willing to listen to them.

  6. Hiram, you are correct that we SHOULD blame the "government"-- all those big pockets of the Resistance-- for corrupting the election process so badly that elections cannot produce legitimacy-- a very good way to put it. John, I am NOT going to humor your delusions by offering known fact, which you will simply deny. I am saving that for affidavits in court. The fix is in, but at least the public may learn how they were cheated out of their vote.

  7. While I think the system is corrupted by campaign contribution, I do not think the result of that is a loss of legitimacy. Both sides have big pockets, and really people should know better to believe anything they hear in a tv commercial.

    The probme our constitution has is that it allows people who get fewer votes to win elections. That was always the problem with the Trump administration, something he recognized from day one. And that is not entirely fair. He did win according to rules everyone understood and accepted.

    Trump was pretty much the worst case scenario for our polititcal and electoral system. He was the evil the whole rigamorole of the electoral college was intended to prevent. It failed us and the castastrophes we are currently dealing with are the result.


  8. By the way, I am curious about all these "affidavits". How did these visibly not very competent people acquire affidavits? Where did they find the notaries to notarize them?


  9. Jerry,
    I will await the court decision. Tell us when someone gives your conspiracy theories credibility.

    Usually a notary just has to say they saw the person sign the document and take their fee...

    They don't care what is on the document... :-)

    Besides, we have 74 million people, many of who one would think are competent who voted for a habitual liar and con man... And maybe some of them are notaries.

  10. Jerry,
    I by the way acknowledge that there is always some irregularities, errors, etc.

    But nothing of the scale that Trump would need to win MN... :-)

    You do realize that LOSER is ~230,000 votes behind...

    Joe Biden
    Democratic Party

    Donald Trump
    Republican Party

  11. The irony of course... It was not the metro that won it for Biden...

    It was us highly educated well paid suburbanites that doomed Trump.

    I am so proud of my neighbors !!!!


  12. Usually a notary just has to say they saw the person sign the document and take their fee...

    Sure, but they have to find one. It needs staffing and logistical support. I just don't think that's what these guys do. I think their "affidavits" are mostly just pieces of paper people signed, or emails people sent.


  13. You can always find problems if you look for them. The irony in Wisconsin that in order to save money, they are limiting recounts to counties that Biden won. Such a recount would have problems under Gore v. Bush if it were law which we were told it was not. But the problem is that recounts in Democratic counties will tend to find more votes which statistically are likely to be Democratic votes, increasing Biden's lead. If Trump wanted to find more Republican votes, the best place to look for them would be in counties he won.ut, I suppose, Trump is looking for votes to disqualify but that doesn't happen much in recounts.


  14. Trump is making a fuss about this morning. Why do Democrat object to checking signatures. To understand the problem, it helps to understand what signatures are and what they do or not do.

    We think of signatures as providing evidence of identity. Signatures can be compared to signatures on file and identiy is proven. But that really isn't their primary function, or in some contexts, their function at all. A signature is an assertion of identity and possibly a form of commitment, not necessarily evidence of it. When you sign a document, you putting in writing a statement that you are who you say you are and that you are committing yourself to the documents provisions. It doesn't matter how you sign the document. Your signature can vary from one on file, it can be a scribble, what matters is that you signed it. A personal check you sign with a scribble is just as valed as a check you sign that replicates the signature the bank has on file.

    Where voting is concerned, election judges may or may not check for a signature match when voting. But even if the signature doesn't match, and there are lots of good reasons why it might not, the vote is still valid assuming the voter is who he says it is. When I vote absentee, I am always concerned that my vote might be reject without my being there and in a position to protest. That's why I check to see if my vote has been accepted, and if it is, I have a right to rely on it, without fear that it might be rejected at some future date where I am not in a position to object.


  15. Just not to overlook the obvious, Trump wants to check signatures on mail-in ballots because they went massively for Biden. This was in part because he discouraged his voters from voting by mail.

    Fairness, and quite possibly, the consitution would require that if we check signatures as part of a recount, all signatures should be checked. This is impossible because ballots are anonymous, not linked to the signature, and because there are 150 million of them, give or take.


  16. Yep. Envelopes and ballots have been separated...

    That horse is out of the barn. :-)

  17. And left behind what horses always do...

  18. Jerry,
    Are your "take away their votes" folk just focusing on the brown and black communities like most of the other GOP voter disenfranchisement activities?

    Or are they willing to go after us in the suburbs who actually gave Biden the win?


  19. This seems very accurate.

    "Hickey said that while Trump fatigue was real for suburban voters, that fatigue did not drag down House Republicans on the ballot who focused on issues and not the president. "A center-right agenda, that's what suburban voters are looking for, and when we're on offense on policy, that's when we win."

    It was kind of funny that when I told GOP door knockers that I would never vote for Trump again given his incompetence and lies... They did not even try to defend him, they just told me how normal the other GOP candidates were.

  20. door knocking is about turn out, not persuasion. My guess is that the Republican door knockers are pretty targeted. Around here, Republicans don't want to get out votes generally.


  21. I just thought it was interesting that they did not seem surprised at all.

    I assume they had heard it from many of my more rational GOP neighbors.

  22. It was a curious legislative campa ign locally. Democrats didn't door knock at all. Because of the virus they just lit dropped. Republicans did door knock as a matter of policy statewide, but I can't imagine that went well in Democratic areas. They would have to focus on Republican voters. I didn't see a lot of Republican lawn signs out there even in the usual locations. I am pretty sure that at least one Republican legislative campaign effectively abandoned his campaign, if it even existed in any real sense at all.

    Trump complains about "Democrat run" cities. But the fact is, Republicans no longer mount serious challenges in cities, with only a few exceptions around the country, and they are losing the battle for the suburbs. Individual Republican candidates can succeed, but it helps a lot if they run as essentially independent candidates. That's how they win governorships in Democrat states like Massachusetts and Maryland. When they win governorships in Minnesota, that's how they win.

    Republicans have crafted a strategy by which they can govern effectively from a minority position. They have virtually given up winning the popular vote in presidential elections. They can do this because they understand and use the de facto power of the veto. With control of the senate and the courts, they can ensure that a substantial part of their agenda can get through even in Democratic administrations while themselve obstructing Democrats from enacting their own agenda. Losing elections, for Republicans, just isn't that bad a deal. It leaves them in a fairly strong power position with little responsibility. Good for them if not so great for the country.


  23. Personally I believe both parties believe this. :-(

    "They can govern effectively from a minority position"

    That is why both over reach whenever they get power...

    Then the majority reacts and tosses them out.

  24. Democrats who have a positive political agenda know, or should know, that they need not just a majority and even a consensus to govern. They know that divided government which voters seem comfortable is Republican government.


  25. Correct... They should...

    Just as the GOP should...

  26. Democrats have lost confidence in the Republican Party as a partner. That means for them, putting together the consensus needed to govern is bigger challenge than ever before in American history. Republicans must act in ways to rebuild the confidence and trust they have lost. Without that, things are going to get worse, a lot worse. And I have seen no signs of that happening so far.


  27. Democrats know they cannot win with their real agenda. That is why they lie, cheat and steal to win elections.

  28. Democrats know they cannot win with their real agenda.

    But they also feel there is no point in winning if they can't enact their agenda.


  29. Seems to me they were pretty honest.

    Jerry is just just talking about the conspiracy theory that they are actually all socialists..

  30. Let's see, if we categorize their stated objectives, it isn't a conspiracy theory to see clearly they are FAR LEFT. You don't have to call them socialists, but they are almost as destructive of the economy and personal freedom.

  31. Jerry,
    Unfortunately even moderate is far left from your perspective. :-(

    And don't forget that the Far Right is just as controlling.

  32. I see there is a shortage of socialists in President-elect Biden's cabinet. Did he lose AOC's phone number?


  33. Even moderate by your definition is left of anything sensible. Moderate Biden is a myth anyway. He will undo Middle East peace and re-enable Iran, sign us onto that stupid Paris Climate deal, cozy up to China, hide his and his son's endless corruption, open the borders and what else? Any moderate positions in there?

  34. What Middle East Peace is that? The one where we sell them more weapons to recognize Israel.

    And as far as I know Iran is making nuclear material at record rates thanks to Trump.

    Paris Climate Deal is fine with me. Though I understand that you deny we humans are screwing up the planet.

    I hope that Biden can get allies to work on pressuring China to improve, Lord knows Trump's tariffs mostly hurt US consumers and businesses.

    Biden has one corrupt son, Trump has multiple corrupt children and himself... Seems like things will get better.

    Remember that Obama was as tough or tougher on illegals... We will have to see what Biden does.

    And lets not forget that Trump was NOT a conservative in my view.

  35. "And lets not forget that Trump was NOT a conservative in my view." That is a good thing, because surely you would have roundly condemned him for THAT. H8, pure and simple.

  36. Jerry,
    It is odd how you claim to be a fiscal conservative and yet you support a man who is responsible for record National Deficits.

    Trump inherited falling deficits and a thriving economy, and yet in 3+ years he increased the national debt by $20,000+ per every man, woman and child in America.

    Worse yet he had promised to eliminate it. Of course he was lying as usual.

    How do you rationalize your hypocrisy? Years of complaining about Obama deficits and now you deny Trump's deficits that are far worse?

  37. Same way you rationalize your Trump-hate, only with better rationale.

  38. Hate: "extreme dislike or disgust"

    I guess I likely do hate him using this definition. I mean his behavior is pretty much at odds with everything I was taught to value in church and by my parents.

    So what is this rationale that enables you to support someone who lies often, cheats on his wife with strippers, divorces multiple wives, defaults on his loans, pays off strippers, sets up a school to defraud students, shows no humility / empathy, etc?

    Not to mention that he drove up the National Debt to record levels and screwed up the COVID response which has led to additional deaths.

  39. Yep... He seems to violate what I deem important pretty much every day.

    Thank GOD for firing him with the help of 80+ MILLION American citizens who were unwilling to enable his sinful ways.

    I am very curious what your "better rationale" is?

    And I am curious how it will play at the pearly gates. :-)

  40. What a terrible man you support.

    All he seems interested in on this Thanksgiving is attacking America voting systems, attacking a timely transition and ensuring that he gets credit for the vaccine?

    And nothing about the quarter Million Americans that have died of COVID and even more who are fighting it.

    Again what is your rationale?
