Monday, January 18, 2021

Not My President Comparisons

By the Washington Examiner. This actually was a pretty interesting comparison.

Both the DEMs and GOPers are really poor losers.  Of course, only the GOPers tolerated a President who claimed fraud with no proof and resisted a peaceful transition of power, even after the courts ruled.

As I said, shame on the GOPers who are working to suppress voting and damage people's faith in USA's voting system.  No good can come from attacking our free and fair election system.

On the upside, Trump's approval rating hit a new all time LOW. (34%)  And he is the first President that failed to ever reach 50% approval since Gallup started measuring in 1938. I see this as a very positive thing because it indicates that most Americans can spot a con man.  Though it still amazes me that Trump is doing okay?


  1. Democrats as poor losers? Which Democrat in Congress lost his or her election? Wouldn't it be more accurate to say they won poorly?

    Trump is an idiot, of course. He thought being president was liike being the head of a corporation, a privately held corporation at that. He thought there were people in Washington who worked for him, and were required to do what he told them to do. His supporters thought that too. One of Trump's supporters in the Capitol told an officer that the officer worked for Trump, something that was untrue in many diff.erent ways.

    Obviously, I was not a Trump supporter. But the rationale for Trump did make a lot of sense to me. I have watched enough documentaries about 55 year old employees, who have worked 30 years for companies who are losing their jobs to Mexico to know there are real problems to addressed. Trump said he would address those problems, and I wanted to know why weren't we? Trump said, or at least he implied that he could break through the gridlock caused by Americans who vote for divided government. But of course, that couldn't happen because Trump neither understood the risks he would incur making that happen nor did he have the guts he needed to get the job done. Disaster followed.


  2. As I said, shame on the GOPers who are working to suppress voting and damage people's faith in USA's voting system

    We used to hear a lot about how Republicans were for election integrity. That's why they wanted voter ID, we were so frequently told. Has anything in our politics been so definitively disproved? Has any other ideological house of cards collapsed so completely?

    The reality we saw, the truth that was there for anyone one to see could not be clearer. Faced with an election they lost, Republicans at all levels devoted huge efforts, and a lot of money to throw out the votes of people who acted lawfully, who did in good faith, all that the government required of them. When those efforts failed, the leader of their party made call after call to not just election officials, but to Republican election officials asking them to, and this very word was used, to "recalculate" the results. To find, in so many words they were asked, 12.000 more votes? Why weren't the people who did this and who tolerated it, not held up for disgrace and ridicule by their own party? Why weren't they hounded from public life? Before they had the chance to incite insurrection in the form of a physical assault on our democracy?

    I really and truly and quite literally do not know.


  3. Many democrats rightly predicted that Trump would be a terrible president, so resisting his policies was a logical response. There is no reason to predict that Biden will be a terrible president, so a strong objection is much less logical. 80% of republicans deny that Biden even won, so once again this is a ridiculous false equivalence.

  4. Did either of you even bother to read the Wash Exam piece?

  5. Hiram,
    You give him too much credit with "he thought"... He just saw crowds, praise fame, etc and the narcissist in him led the way.

    Trump did a wonderful job of breaking gridlock and making current voters happy. He gave everyone a tax cut and increased spending like a Liberal. The only one who should be unhappy our the kids.

    I have no idea why people like Jerry are still trying to make it hard for legal qualified citizens to vote. Or why he would support law suits to throw out tons of votes by legal qualified citizens. Apparently winning is more important than defending our democracy and right to vote?

    I said the GOPers were worse... But the 2017 DEMs were nothing to be proud of either.

    They nominated a questionable candidate who did not motivate many DEMs to come out and vote. And when Trump won they were looking for anyone or anything else they could blame for their failure.

  6. Hillary was a very well qualified candidate who got 3 million more votes than Trump.
    about "Trump did a wonderful job" - Trump's current rating is as the worst president in the history of the country.

  7. Thank you for making my point...

    "they were looking for anyone or anything else they could blame for their failure."

    Trump's policies were not all bad, he did some good things. But you are correct that COVID screw up and his MASSIVE deficits are going to put him at the bottom of the pile.
