Sunday, February 6, 2022

GOP Supports Book Burning?

 And here is a list and details.  Really 850 books.

Here is the list books that the Far Right is apparently scared of...


  1. For me, censorship means my not paying people a hundred million dollars to offend me. Many people are willing to perform that particular service for free.


  2. They wanted to burn their own books, but they didn't have any.


  3. In general, I am very uncomfortable with the fact that there are so many issues we can't discuss openly and candidly. I didn't like it when Whoopi got suspended for expressing the most banal of cliches. And obviously I am against the Republican policy of not teaching anything in schools that might possibly make kids sad. But I just don't have any solutions for any of those things.


  4. I am pretty guilty of the Whoopi error...

    I think of Jewish as a religion and not a race...

    Of course the Nazis apparently saw it very differently...

  5. Judaism is and isn't a race. It is and isn't a religion. Both and neither. Simon Schama in his wonderful series on the history of the Jews, says that Jews are people with a story. I like that a lot, but then he is a historian and he would say that.

