Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Getting Feedback : Facing Reality

Well it has been ~6 months and 120 postings since I entered the world of blogging with the following goal:
Raising social involvement, self awareness and self improvement topics, because our communities are the sum of our personal beliefs, behaviors, action or inaction. Only "we" can improve our family, work place, school, city, country, etc.

I started and maintain G2A because I felt it was necessary to "act" and "get involved" in order to live by my chosen principles. And hopefully I have been writing and behaving per my principles. (Link1) (Link2) (Link3) (Link4) (Link5) (Link6) With this goal and these principles in mind:

  • What is going wrong and right with G2A from your perspective?
  • What are the benefits or costs of changing or not changing G2A?
  • What are some specific ideas for improving G2A?
  • Is it worthwhile that G2A continue, or should I shelve the site?

Your candid and open thoughts are appreciated as always....


  1. Well, John, I enjoy your blog even when I don't agree. I appreciate that you can be both critical and supportive of 281. Me, I'm not there, but that's okay.

  2. I like reading your blog and I think you should continue. The discussion is very civilized and rational here. That isn't always the case out in the community.

  3. Sue and Christine,
    Thank you for your comments, I appreciate them and the support greatly.

    To my other readers,
    I guess I need to assume silence is approval and agreement for now. As a reminder, "anonymous' is really anonymous, I am totally blind to who you are unless your comment somehow gives you away... This is the address that shows up in my give2get@live.com inbox:


    So you can comment, critique or support with absolutely no consequences. How often do you have that freedom in life... Better yet, someone asking you to let him have it...

    Now back to blogging...
