Well, this is what the final result looks like, except much more legible. There are some real advantages to having spent the time soul searching and documenting my beliefs:
- Changes were thrust upon me this year that stressed and frustrated me greatly, and by reviewing the document I was better able to put these into their proper perspective and relax.
- I am by nature or nuture a workaholic, and keeping my roles/beliefs visible helps me to better maintain balance and live a happier life.
- When faced with a difficult decision, I use the balanced principles to help me look at the potential solutions from various perspectives. This always helps me generate a better solution.
- The actions serve to keep me honest and working towards the life style I want to lead, rather than getting caught up in the day to day rush.
Finally, my belief is that this document is just a rough draft and will be under revision until the day I die. It took me until almost age 40 to understand what I really don't know everything. Now I truly believe that for the next 40 years I will continue learning and growing...

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