Wednesday, March 11, 2020

HOAX to NEED Government Bailout

In record time...  It is hard to believe that only 2 weeks ago Trump was calling COVID19 a HOAX.

And now he wants to:
  • have people stop funding Social Security and Medicare.(ie payroll taxes)
  • start giving away billions we don't have to people, businesses, etc.
  • both of course will increase deficits and the national debt
Where are the Republicans who were against government intervention, bailouts, over spending, etc during the Obama administrations years?

Apparently this time it is Trump who wants to "give away free stuff" to win the election.


John said...

Good thing we went to Austria and Germany last summer...

Trump Blocks more Travel and asks to spend more money

John said...

Trump Transcript

Anonymous said...

And Trump and the rest of his family crime syndicate were exposed at Mar-a-lago.

How will he/they be quarantined?


John said...

I hope they are not...

Criminals tend to hang with other criminals and their cronies...

Karma is an interesting thing... :-)

Laurie said...

The Trump Presidency Is Over
It has taken a good deal longer than it should have, but Americans have now seen the con man behind the curtain.

John said...

That was an excellent piece and I pray he is correct.

Unfortunately I have concerns:

- Trump True Believers seem immune to facts / truth. I never would have thought that mature adults could be so self deceptive.

- Joe Biden is old and prone to errors. I hope he does not blow it.

It is so strange that DEMs could not support some ~60 year old slightly Left of center individual. But I suppose this our polarized reality.