Friday, June 5, 2020

COVID Ebbs and Flows

This is an interesting site.  You can kind of see where COVID is coming and going.

Unfortunately where I am going it is apparently coming, but since it is cases per 10,000 people, the odds of being exposed out in the wide open country is pretty small... :-)

The county populations are Yellow Medicine 9,800, Lincoln: 5,700...  Definitely more livestock than humans. :-)


Drewbie said...

Careful. If you say that there's mostly rocks and cows out that way, you'll never hear the end of it.

Anonymous said...

What we are doing now is normalizing the process. We are saying, yes, people do get the virus, and some will die from it. But people die on are highways every year, but we never block them down. Why should the virus be treated any differently?


John said...

Don't forget the turkeys and pigs...
My questioning rural America's "Messiah Trump" already has me in trouble. :-)

Agreed... Or denial sets in...

I tell them that 108,000 people have died in ~3 months and they say "that's not real". Even though that is the number posted on FOX News and published by Trump's Health and Human Services Dept :-)

It seems they have a real hard time saying...

"I want to do what I want to do even if it leads to more people dying".

Of course by that logic they should support drunk driving, texting while driving, smoking anywhere, etc...

And don't get me started on when I questioned why they would not wear masks in crowded spaces to protect others.

Anonymous said...

"I want to do what I want to do even if it leads to more people dying".

So many people are curiously immune to the idea that other people shouldn't bear the cost of my exercise of freedom. I should have the right to have a bomb in my garage even if it's your house that gets blown up. I should have the right to cluster at a political convention even if it's other people who get sick.


John said...

It does seem to be the American way.

Just look at how the National Debt is exploding because we feel entitled to receive more than we pay for.

Anonymous said...

It's an asymmetry of our constitution. People have a constitutional right to bear arms but there is no constitutional right not to get shot by those who bear them. We have a right to free exercise of religion but no right not to have some other person's religion inflicted on us. A lot of people believe the right to speak, means that other people have an obligation to listen.
