Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Happy Holidays vs Merry Christmas

 A bunch of religious right self centered people like to make a big deal of this issue, I will never understand it.  However one must remember that I believe in trying to follow the Platinum Rule, not the Golden Rule.

Golden Rule: Treat Others as YOU Wish to be Treated.

Platinum Rule: Treat Others as THEY Wish to be Treated.

I mean how many Christians want to be wished Happy Hanukkah by their Jewish neighbors?  Or Happy Kwanzaa by their African American neighbors? 

Given my experience of working with people from all over the world, the answer seems pretty simple.  You wish people well based on what they value, not what you value.  A Chinese co-worker just wished me a Merry Christmas since he assumed I am Christian. (a correct assumption and a welcome wish)

Therefore if you are uncertain of the audience's religious affiliation, Happy Holidays is the correct phrase / wish.  I mean most people in most countries celebrate holidays at this time of year.  Well, except my friends in China, I wish them Happy New Year later in January !!! :-)


jerrye92002 said...

Just got back from Egypt. Christmas trees and Santa all over the place. Someone wishes me Happy Kwanzaa, I'm OK with that. Not correct but certainly not an offense. Happy for them.

John said...

Anything to make the tourists happy!!!

Especially if you were staying at Western Owned Hotels.

And apparently ~10% of their population is Christian.

So what were you doing in Egypt?

See anything interesting?

I may be interested in going there someday.

John said...

"Not correct but certainly not an offense."

Why wouldn't it be correct if they celebrate Kwanzaa?

If you wish them Merry Christmas... Are you not correct?

Anonymous said...

One of the strange things about Christians is that they think everyone else should be a Christian.


John said...

Most religions are similar.

Anonymous said...

Do Buddhists think everyone should be Buddhist? Have you ever had Hindu missionaries come to your door? What about Shinto? Jews have missionaries but only to other Jews.


Laurie said...

This Christmas, Republicans are giving themselves congressional seats for life

Anonymous said...

Christians frequently tell me they are in possession of the truth, often with a clear implication that they have a monopoly on the truth. It is one of the most peculiar things about them.


John said...

If you could save people from eternal damnation.

Wouldn't you try? So of course they try to preach their truth.

Christianity and Islam are the 2 most popular Religions. Apparently their marketing and sale techniques work.

Anonymous said...

If you could save people from eternal damnation.

Isn't it strange that there is such a thing as eternal damnation and that Christians are the only people who can save us from it? Of all the things I could choose to believe in, why would I choose to believe in that?


jerrye92002 said...

In extreme Islam it is convert or die for Christians, quite the opposite in Egypt and Jordan.

Anonymous said...

Islam has it's origins in Christianity, and sometimes it shows, and that's not necessarily a good thing.


John said...

Maybe to avoid eternal damnation and to ensure you go to heaven?

I am not very religious, so I am not trying to convince you.

I have friends with many different beliefs, I am okay with that.

Overall, the Christian principles are pretty good.
Unfortunately we have our close minded fanatics also. :-(