Thursday, January 26, 2023

The Budget Problem Visualized

In fascinating graphs... What a MESS!!!


Anonymous said...

In order to balance the budget, what should we do without?


John said...

Personally I like the idea of cutting everything by 13%...

And increasing taxes to pay the other 13%...

Our country's current path is irresponsible and unacceptable.

Anonymous said...

Instead of abstract numbers, let's think of what we should be able to do without. One thing President Trump supported that I agree with is price controls on drugs, the the prices of all drugs be reduced by 70%. That's a great place to start.



John said...

It will be interesting to see where it goes.

But as long as voting citizens only worry about their pocket book, I am guessing the debt will keep growing until it can't...

John said...

American's do seem to like ponzi schemes... Screw those late to the game...

Anonymous said...

If America is a Ponzi Scheme, how come we aren't broke? Would it help if billionaires paid more in taxes than 750 dollars a year?


John said...

Yes it would help if we taxed more and spent less...

We are headed quickly towards broke

Anonymous said...

If we want to spend less, we need to cut down on the costs of things we buy. We need to pay doctors less. We need to pay drug companies less. We have to let Europe fend for itself a lot more than it does now. All of these policies have downsides, but if we want to spend less, that is what we have to do.


John said...

There are many ways to spend less. Usually it involves transferring the costs to someone else. Be it other countries, individual citizens, etc.

Anonymous said...

Moving spending around is easy to do, of course. That's why I believe we should think of America's balance sheet as opposed to government's balance sheet. The fact is, despite our spending, our country is richer rather than poorer than used to be.

I am reading this book called "Chip Wars". It makes the point that the tech industry is the result of spending on defense. If we added the value of that to the balance sheet, it would look a lot better.
