Trump Uses ‘Terror’ Attack by U.S. Army Vet to Stir Up Anti-Immigrant Hate
Raising social involvement, self awareness and self improvement topics, because our communities are the sum of our personal beliefs, behaviors, action or inaction. Only "we" can improve our family, work place, school, city, country, etc.
We have decided to accept lies.==Hiram
I am still hoping that only ~40% of us have chosen to accept lies. :-)
Trumps lies are a relatively minor concern for me compared to the policies he says he supports.
Which ones in particular? And how do you even know what he believes? :-)
policies I think Trump will do that I don't support: big tax cut for rich people, some level of tariffs, moderate level of deportations, eliminate departments of education ( he might not do this one.) ending aid to Ukraine, cuts to medicaid,
obama care, snap benefits,. I'm sure there's more, those are the first things that come to mind.
Since I am a fiscal conservative, the cuts are fine with me.
Since I am a supporter of a balanced budget and free trade. I agree that tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations and tariffs are BAD for the USA.
I am mixed regarding Ukraine, the stalemate and our continually spending can not continue indefinitely.
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