Raising social involvement, self awareness and self improvement topics, because our communities are the sum of our personal beliefs, behaviors, action or inaction. Only "we" can improve our family, work place, school, city, country, etc.
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
That was very painful to watch
And I assume pretty pointless, the Trump True Believers will say that he did well and all the rest of will say what an ASS... The rules seemed pretty simple and yet again Trump ignored them and the Moderator. FOX News summary
Overall I would say that Biden "won" the debate. Definitely no dementia, and though he was obviously frustrated to no end... He kept it together and remembered to focus on the viewers / voters and not Trump most of the time....
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Trump's Tax Returns Found
Somebody leaked them them !!!! God Bless America, Leakers and the Free Press !!!! :-)
"Mr. Trump may be the wealthiest U.S. president in history. Yet he has often paid less in taxes than other recent presidents. Barack Obama and George W. Bush each regularly paid more than $100,000 a year — and sometimes much more — in federal income taxes while in office.
Mr. Trump, by contrast, is running a federal government to which he has contributed almost no income tax revenue in many years."
I hope this guy gets tossed in jail after he loses his Presidential protections.
Apparently he is such a bad businessman that he has been losing money, thus low or no federal taxes.
He is an excellent con man though... Keeping up the perception that he is a good businessman while showing no profit.
Or maybe Trump True Believers think that people who can avoid paying taxes on their gains are people to be worshipped? I have to wonder how they think our military is funded with free loaders like Trump around...
Now for the big question... Will spineless Trump release his returns to prove the NYT wrong? Or will he continue fighting tooth and nail from fulfilling his promise to release them?
Interesting Fact Checking
Truth is first victim in politics? :-)
Now the big question... Who is willing to learn the truth?
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Who Would Vote For
A candidate who strives to undermine confidence in our election system?
Thankfully at least some GOP members are willing to defend the US system.
And the FBI is down playing any risk of fraud.
And remember that this is the same liar who claimed millions of people voted illegally in 2016 with ZERO proof.
If you support the USA, democracy, honesty, etc. Throw this lying bum out.
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Resolving Florida Poll Tax
By Just paying it...That did seem to be the logical choice made by Michael Bloomberg. It is good to be mega wealthy and have a lot of wealthy friends.
I was torn regarding making rehabilitated criminal pay their fines before letting them vote. I mean where are they going to get money to pay fines and restitution? They are lucky if they can find an employer willing to hire them.
So I am happy Bloomberg and crew found a simple pragmatic solution. And if they get 32,000+ votes it is probably cheaper than TV time. :-)
Monday, September 21, 2020
MN is Surrounded by COVID
SD, ND WI and IA are some of the hottest spots in the country.
And I understand why... When I was in SW MN a little over a week ago, maybe only 50% of folks were wearing masks in the stores... And no one was complaining...
Being a supporter of natural consequences, I do find it somewhat amusing. Hopefully my elderly Parents stay socially isolated and keep washing their hands though.
Friday, September 18, 2020
Mitch is Sleazy
and a hypocrite for proposing that the Senate try to replace Justice Ginsburg before the election. I hope there is a special hell for lying politicians who speak out of both sides of their mouth. And for those that support that kind of behavior from our politicians.
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Trump the Federalist
Wants to control local school curriculum. To ensure they do not teach the whole truth about our country's early years...
And let's not forget his trying to force the school's to open earlier than desired by the local and state officials. Who are the GOPers who are supporting this big government Federalist?
I thought we were for small government and local control?
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Punishment Fits Crime
No Mask. Dig Graves... We should do that here...
By the way, I lost another far right FB friends when I asked him why he was supporting this idiot...
Or maybe it was that I noted the officers should have shot him for not complying with their instructions. :-) :-( Either way... He did not appreciate my questions / comments. :-)
Monday, September 14, 2020
It Will Go Away Just Like COVID
It being Climate Change. Of course, since COVID has now killed almost 200,000 Americans since Trump said "it will go away". I certainly am not going to believe him regarding Climate Change.
Then there is Trump cheering on retribution killing...
Here is some fact checking on both Trump and Biden.
Sunday, September 13, 2020
Birds More Important than People?
According to Trump. Or as it seems since he apparently addressed wind turbines instead of COVID at his Nevada rally. The good news is that citizens are smarter and more concerned about COVID than Trump, apparently only 6200 idiots showed up.
Of course Trump who is on record now saying that COVID is deadly, highly contagious, etc may be guilty of negligent homicide according to one doctor.
Thursday, September 10, 2020
US is Not Socialist
Laurie wanted to note that the USA has dropped to 28 on this Democratic Socialism ranking tool.
I can't say I am surprised. As we have discussed before, the vast majority of countries ranked higher than the USA are little itty bitty countries in Europe. So the tool likely says more about the authors than the countries.
Trump Says Stay Calm
It is only a KILLER Virus... Just go about your normal lives...
Trump Public / Private Comment Timeline
"FEB. 7 “You just breathe the air and that’s how it’s passed. And so that’s a very tricky one. That’s a very delicate one. It’s also more deadly than even your strenuous flus.” — Trump phone interview with Woodward.
FEB. 10 “I think the virus is going to be — it’s going to be fine.” — During New Hampshire rally.
FEB. 26 “The 15 (case count in the U.S.) within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. ... This is a flu. This is like a flu.” — During White House coronavirus task force briefing."
I thought this comic was relevant for anyone who thinks Trump has any interest in maintaining calm, honest and rational dialogue... Especially when he is trying manipulate domestic terror risk analysis for his own benefit.
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
SD Gets Money, Who Pays Bill?
So SD benefited financially from Sturgis Bike Rally. However I wonder if the other states can send their additional healthcare bills to Kristi Noem for payment? Since FOX is reporting that 20% of the US COVID cases have been tied to that one super spreader event. :-O
I did some math to see the SD cost in lives... If the Sturgis super spreader caused an additional 5,000 cases in SD. And if the SD death rate is 14 per 1,000 cases... Then apparently SD paid for Sturgis with ~70 lives. Not sure if that was a good trade off or not... 🙂 🙁
It is hard to fight the after event data in this case... And see my post on the MN delays if you doubt that more deaths are coming to SD. Hopefully fewer if the case load was younger and healthier...
Monday, September 7, 2020
Having far right FB friends does lead to some interesting discussions and links. This one started with the posting of the very skewed translation shown below. The BLM Org "What We Believe" does seem pretty Far Left and broad given the name of their organization, but the translator wants them to look like communists out to destroy the family, church, USA, etc. It seems well accepted with certain readers.
Now for some fact checking regarding the leaders having Marxist training...
I will probably always disagree with BLM on some issues since I am a moderate, however my understanding is that they look like most other Progressive groups. No communism or family destruction intended. Just more scare tactics from the Right.
Then one of the readers mentioned EBLM Organization as a Christian alternative. Now this organization is for folks on the Far Right, they think Planned Parenthood is out to kill all the Black babies, instead of helping women prevent / end unwanted pregnancies... And seem to believe that school choice will make centuries of relative disadvantages disappear... Like BLM, EBLM does have some good ideas though. (ie encouraging couples to stay together and/or keeping the father involved in the kids lives)
Unfortunately none them gave me any new ideas for closing the gaps. So it looks like the unlucky kids are still screwed as the Left and Right continue to ignore them. :-(
Friday, September 4, 2020
Why the Surprise?
That Trump called people Losers and Suckers for being drafted and dying in the military?
We know that he called John McCain a dummy and insisted he was not a war hero.
Now we know that Trump has contempt for pretty much anyone who is different, fails, disagrees with him, etc.
Even the Military Times has covered Trump's insults before.
So the Trump supporters are struggling to support a draft dodger who makes a habit out insulting the people who sacrificed and served. I am still puzzled why they keep doing it?
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Mail In Voting is GREAT !!!
Apparently if you vote "correctly". :-) I had to share this wonderful postcard I received from the GOP. And don't forget:
- Trump just suggested people illegally vote and Source 2
- The AG is pumping Unsubstantiated threats
- and trying to justify poll watchers?
- Trump pushes Debunked Assault on Mail In
- and the hypocrite votes by mail
Now isn't the job of the President and the AG to encourage all eligible citizens to vote safely, and to ensure people believe in the US Voting System? Instead we have these yahoos trying to undermine the system and spread fear... How can anyone tolerate this self serving activity by our civil servants?
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
GOP Supporting Fascism?
"Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, as well as strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe."
I mean there is no doubt that Trump is blowing the protests / rioting way out of proportion in order to get people to support him. Just think... There are maybe 2 serious situations at any point in time, involving maybe 10,000 protesters and 200 destructive rioters... And he wants us to be scared of that? While 1,000 people per day are dying of COVID? Really?
All the while blaming others for the current state of America when he has been the President for 3+ years. I know things are TERRIBLE, but just give me another 4 years.
And he wants to use Federal forces to suppress the protests / riots rather than leaving the choices to the local and state authorities. And when the Local and State authorities resolve the issue he tries to claim credit.
Finally, the worst part of this if Jerry is a typical Trump True Believer is that many GOP folks are apparently buying into this CON. The same people who do not want FEDERAL personnel, rules, over sight, etc are cheering our authoritarian President on. Having the EPA in your state keeping your water clean is TERRIBLE. But having Homeland Security in you city is OKAY.
Being a State's Rights are Crucial True Conservative, I have to wonder what are these cult followers thinking? Why are they not demanding that the Feds stay the frick out of local issues? Instead they just roll over beg them to invade? It is so sad what happened to the GOP.
Jerry's comments : Blue John / G2A's Green
Truth-- Trump says there is rioting in major cities. Democrats call them "mostly peaceful protests."
Other than Portland and Kenosha... Where are these riots?
And if they occur in only Portland and Kenosha, can they be ignored? You are going a long way around to believe what you want.
Of course they can be ignored. Portland is a LONG WAYS from here and not my problem.
They have Local and State governments to address or not address a local problem.
And if their government reps make the wrong decision they will be removed from office.
And it seems that Kenosha has quieted down after a rough start.
So again, other than to rile up his base... Why is Trump focused on Portland when we have far more people dying due to COVID, hurricanes, normal crime, etc?
Why would he encourage armed militias to go to Portland other than to cause more violence?
Turn your question around. Why are thousands of people looting and burning down black neighborhoods (and others), attacking police, reporters and innocent bystanders just because one happens-to-be-black criminal has a near-fatal run-in with the police?
As for your "sense of proportion," why are we concerned about ONE police shooting of a black man when every day there are dozens of black men shot by other black men?
"And if their government reps make the wrong decision they will be removed from office."
You make the silliest arguments sometimes. When will these idiots/fools/dreamers "be removed from office"? November at the very earliest, two years from November more likely, and you overlook that they got elected in the first place by people who believed that a "D" by your name meant you could solve all these problems just by speaking the magic words. And even if they were, how many businesses and neighborhoods must burn down, and black people die, before these Democrat office-holders take responsibility?
The proper response is "law and order" and not just the words. Trump is the only one seemingly willing to do what is necessary. "Focussing" on Portland is because it is an immediate and easily fixed problem that Democrats do NOT want Trump to fix, while unwilling to do it themselves.
Because police are employees of the government, they are not to harm or kill citizens except when absolutely necessary. They are to protect and serve, not threaten and kill.
You really are starting to sound like a fascism supporter.
"Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, as well as strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe."
What citizens do to each other is a whole different issue.
Again... You are wanting to have the Federal government invade the States against their will. This SO NOT Conservative.
Conservatives like me believe in States and the roles and responsibilities...
For years you fought the Feds interfering in Local education even though millions of kids were being damaged in Red States.. And now you want the Feds to invade a city.
At least now I understand how fascism is enabled.