Monday, December 30, 2024

The Stupid Meme

 Apparently I was triggerred by seeing this one too many times on FB... :-)

More School Services

Another Service Public Schools in poor areas need to provide, due to many parent(s) in these areas being poor, incompetent and / or neglectful.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Itty Bitty Win

Trump and his cult keep saying that he has some huge mandate.  Even though he won with one of the smallest majorities in decades. And he received less than 50% of the vote.

A prediction I heard and agree with is that Trump will over reach and the DEMs will win both Houses of Congress in 2026. And since it is likely Trump will commit High Crimes and Misdemeanors by that time given his disrespect for the law, he will be impeached yet again...

I hope I am wrong and that Trump and MAGA are sane and effective. And that they implement solutions that are good for the country and all our citizens. Unfortunately it is starting on the wrong foot.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Shifting around G2A...

This cartoon encouraged me to explain a bit of history. I mean I happily voted for GOPers like Reagan, Bush, Dole, Bush, McCain and Romney. They for the most part were honest serious politicians.
I was even dumb enough to vote for Trump in 2016, since I hoped the office would make him a better person. Unfortunately I learned quickly that he could not grow into the position, and that he was capable of making rational GOPers believe conspiracy theories and lies...

On the upside, I live in MN so my POTUS vote rarely makes a difference. So I can blame other people for Trump's HUGE Deficits and stoking contempt, distrust and hate !!!

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Monday, December 9, 2024

Trump Lies Continue

He won yet he keeps spewing the same lies and revenge threats.

Why do people believe and support him?

Fact Check 1

Fact Check 2

Fact Check 3

Now why would Trump lie about something that is SO EASY to fact check? And why would people believe him?
And yes Biden did sign off on too much spending, but there is a big delay between approving and spending. Much of Trump's over spending carried over for 2+ years. And his unnecessary 2017 tax cuts are still driving inflation. Whereas much of Biden's spending has not been spent yet.
And please note that we are pumping more oil now than during Trump's time in office.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Cut Nose Spite Face

I liked this one... I mean who is willing to do the worst jobs in the USA for a reasonable cost? Or maybe people and businesses are ready to raise the compensation so that citizens want to work as field labor, construction labor, roofers, cleaners, landscape help, slaughter house personnel, etc?
I wonder how high that rate would need to be ????

Sunday, December 1, 2024

RDale Budgeting SNAFU

This is definitely NOT acceptable.  The district has apparently had a string of personnel changes and scandals, and the Board seens to be somewhat clueless.

I am encouraging my kids to take the grandkid to a wealthier district with less diversity and poverty.

Remember that in a class of 30 kids... Maybe 6 kids are struggling with big life problems in Wayzata and 24 kids are there to help.  Where as in RDale, more than 15 are struggling and less than 15 are trying to survive the chaos created by the majority.

It definitely did not help when the "equality police" said that punishment and academic options must be equal by race, regardless of behaviors or capabilities. :-O