Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Friday, February 17, 2023

Intolerance Abounds

Horseshoe Theory: Both Sides Want Govt Control

It would be humorous if it was not so divise and polarizing for our country.

Both sides pleading for freedom and tolerance while trying to shackle the other...

Can Court Case Fix FOX New's

Lying Ways?  Usually I am not a big fan of lawsuits, but if this one stops FOX opinion personalities from lying on air to get ratings, that is a law suit I can support... 😉😉😉

Tucker Carlson Lied.

Laura and Sean lied too.

FOX News vs FOX Opinions

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Turkey, Building Codes, Politics, Death

Why we need strong government and building codes.

Capitalism is wonderful in many ways, but not necessarily when it comes to protecting the safety of a country's citizens and infrastructure. There are simply too many unethical people out there that will rationalize short cuts to make a buck...  Or millions of bucks !!! :-O 

And yet many Americans seem to promote weaker government, fewer building codes, more lax environmental regulations, fewer inspectors, etc.

An ironic twist is that the GOP is trying to blame the Biden administration for the errors of a corporation.  When the GOPers would be the first to reduce the regulations and oversight in order to allow the railroads to do as they wish.

I am curious if any GOPers will work to hold the railroad(s) accountable, or if they will just play politics with this rail disaster?  Thankfully it happened in a place with sparse population.

Monday, February 13, 2023

The "He Gets US" Controversy

Spreading Intolerance or Spreading Love

Given who the Evangelicals support politically, I am pretty cynical about the folks who are paying for the ads...

I hope that the Intolerant Religious Right / Conservatives who are seeking to:

  • control our personal freedoms
  • censor us citizens and our local governments 
  • turn away the homeless migrants
  • cut social safety nets
actually take this opportunity to take this opportunity to learn about Jesus' love, tolerance, empathy, giving, etc.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

GOP Digging into Private Business

Hunter's Records & Twitter Choices. :-O 

Hunter uses Trump's Favorite Excuse

Now as far as I know, Hunter is a private citizen and Twitter is a private business.

What are the GOP politicians doing investigating their personal and business activities?

As far as I know private citizens and businesses are FREE in the USA.

And if they do break the law, then it is up to the courts to question them.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

State of Union

Biden Emphasis. Comments from unprofessional LOSERS.  

It is surreal how these immature nut cases got elected?

I may dislike many things the DEMs do, but I still expect the politicians to treat others with respect.  Especially while they are presenting the State of the Union address.

SOTU Fact Check 1

SOTU Fact Check 2

Monday, February 6, 2023

School Voucher Prejudice

Religious school bans gay step Father from campus.

Vouchers have got be one of the WORST things for our society. These folks take our tax dollars and turn away students that are different or challenged.

As I have said before, if you support competition... You should support all schools being required to accept all students.  If not, you are just supporting discrinination, hate and cherry picking.

Friday, February 3, 2023

The GOP Budget Cuts Proposal?

 Which does not exist?  A FB friend implied that it is easy, so I asked him what he would cut...  Then all I heard were crickets...