Saturday, August 28, 2021

Is Herschel Walker a mini Trump?

 I mean he seems either delusional or a self serving liar like Trump.

A friend of mine was telling me on FB how great a person Herschel Walker is. I of course questioned this because I thought conservatives disliked it when jocks and other celebrities become political.

And then to cheer on this guy who is apparently a bit nuts.  Oh well, it seems character does not matter to conservatives anymore, so I guess this should not surprise me 

Let's just hope he has gotten his violent multiple personalities under control. :-O 

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Sturgis Bike Rally Cost

 in lives lost?  Now I am not saying we should cancel the Sturgis Bike Rally or the MN State Fair, however I think we should face the facts that more people will die because of our choices.

Last year Sturgis started SD's COVID outbreak that killed literally many hundreds of South Dakotans. And who knows how many across the country. SD did a pretty good job with vaccinations, so hopefully the cost will not be so high this year. 

Friday, August 20, 2021

I Wish I Had Been Wrong

 about the rate of Florida COVID deaths.  The death lag looks pretty consistent.  Let's hope they get their infections under control or the death rate will just keep rising. :-( 

Louisiana and Mississippi are still in the unfortunate lead position. 

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Can the Taliban Play Nice?

Religion vs Pragmatism.

That is an interesting piece that explains that it is much easier to be the rebels / insurgents, than to be the people responsible for the function of a country... :-O 

I wonder how many of the Taliban Leaders are now saying... Now what?

I highly doubt that they are as truly religiously devout as they claim.  I mean they are people and people are often driven by a desire for money, power, security, sex, etc...

So will they choose to stay the leaders of a small dysfunctional country, or will they work in pragmatic ways to play by international standards so they can gain more money, power, security, sex, etc...?

Especially since I am sure the USA will not hesitate to blow up any terrorist camps formed on their contested soil.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Who Watches That Stuff?

After watching some Gutfeld Friday Night with my favorite far righters, and after reading the FOX news coverage today.  Why do people watch and read these things?  Do they like being angry and cynical?

Trump / Pompeo negotiate with the Taliban, Trump / Pompeo mandate the withdrawal timeline, the conservatives and peaceniks cheer Trump / Pompeo on and Biden chooses to proceed per the Trump / Pompeo plan. 

Now I was not a supporter of pulling the troops, so I can say I told you so...

But the idea of these Far Right hypocrites doing so is just so annoying...  The saddest part is that they will likely buy into this being Biden's plan when it was actually Trump's.  And he had wanted them out by May 1... 

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Brett almost as Good as Chris

 At Challenging GOP Hypocrisy.  Chris has been on vacation and last week Dana Perino was a push over.  This week Bret Baier did a much better job.

Sen Rick Scott was criticizing the Infrastructure bill and trying to play a deficit hawk after supporting Trump's MASSIVE DEFICITS.  I get SO TIRED of these HYPOCRITES.

The REALITY is that Trump and the Republicans did it again while they were in power. They increased spending, did nothing about entitlements, cut revenues and blew up the deficits / debts.  And almost NO ONE in the Conservative media is willing to call them on it.  So...  Thanks Bret !!!

Friday, August 6, 2021

Put DeSantis in Jail?

Complicit in Deaths of Thousands seems the logical charge.

I mean what would we do if a CEO ordered unsafe procedures to be followed for his personal benefit and it resulted in the deaths of thousands?

Per the following graph, FL is heading for its biggest death wave yet.  And this idiot is trying to make it illegal for local governments to mandate vaccinations and masks?  And some folks are cheering him on?

Well let's hope it is mostly those cheer leaders who die struggling to breathe. 

Biden Expels More Immigrants Than Trump

 514,000 vs 460,000. And yet GOPers keep complaining about an open border. :-O 

Of course GOPers have NOT been very accurate in their assessments for the past 5+ years.

And of course Biden's moderate position has made him unpopular with progressives who seem to think we should have open borders.

Of course the irony is that the supposedly "Pro-Life" Conservative seem to think we should turn our backs on children.

It is a complicated topic.  Too bad both sides prefer to play politics with it rather than working on it honestly and together. :-(

One of my favorite "Far Righters" was trying to tell me that low vaccination rates and lack of masks were not the cause of the COVID spike, it was all those sick illegal aliens.  As I have said before, maybe the USA deserves another COVID wave and the Darwin award.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Conservatives Hate America?

Mocking Officers, Athletes, Voting Rights, Free Speech, Immigration, etc 

That is a pretty interesting piece that attempts to explain what I have been sensing. I mean Conservatives are to supposed to be for:

  • Free speech and expression. And yet the current conservatives seem to like attacking anyone who says or does anything they disagree with.
  • Supporting the police. And yet conservatives are mocking and attacking members of the Capitol Police force who were attacked on Jan. 6th.
  • Keeping deficits low and shrinking the national debt. And yet they passed a large unpaid for tax cut while increasing spending. Then they happily passed multi-Trillion dollar bailout packages.
  • Law and order. And yet conservatives seem okay with their leaders pardoning cronies.
  • Honesty and transparency. And yet conservatives applauded Trump's attempts to hide information and block testimony.
  • Rule by Local Governments. And yet conservatives are promoting State and Federal mandates and control.
  • Investing in America's infrastructure / future. And they drag their feet on a bi-partisan bill.
I just do not understand how the GOP became the "America is BAD" party!!! :-O  Maybe they should take their own advice...  If you do not like our America, please free to leave at anytime!!!

Whether you like it or not, America is becoming less white, more diverse, more tolerant, younger, less religious, less racist, etc.  And if our democracy continues to function correctly, that new mix of citizens is going to determine what America looks like in 50 years. And the old conspiracy loving White Baby Boomers will be gone. For better or worse.

Monday, August 2, 2021

Infrastructure Bill must Be Good

 since both extreme tribes do not like it. :-O 

And since most tax payers support it.

Of course those hypocrite GOPers are crying about deficits and the national debt now after increasing it by $7.5 TRILLION while Trump was in office.  And that was with no infrastructure bill.

Here is a summary.

Definitely a much better use of tax dollars than the GOP and DEMs have been doing the last few years!!!