Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Dayton Holds Strong and GOP Blinks?

This headline seems so misleading as to appear inaccurate or possibly politically motivated.(ie imply GOP blinked first) If someone tells me I can spend $110M in one place if I cut $110M in another, it seems we are no closer. Though I may be somewhat happier because my priorities are being valued.

It looks like Dayton is holding strong. Anyone that picked a quick resolution date in our pool was incorrect. Any updated prognostications?

Thankfully my 4th of July plans involve no State parks or services... (I hope...)

Star Trib GOP Moves $110M closer to Dayton
G2A This Could Take Awhile
G2A Mandates and Consequences


Anonymous said...

What the Republicans offered was not meaningful. Under their budget, they can't deliver the education funding they promised initially, let alone the additional money they are offering. The fact is, just in terms of the numbers, there wasn't much disagreement between the Dayton and Republican budgets where education is concerned.


Numbers Guy said...

I agree with Davis & Emmer "Shut the Gov't down and see what is non-essential & then you know where the savings can begin"!!!!!

Any part of an Gov't department that is "non-essential" should be eliminated NOW!!!!