Sunday, June 12, 2011

Education Updates

Parents United continues to push the spend more agenda and it looks like the RAS Board meeting agenda was rather calm.

Parents United 6/10/11
RAS Board Minutes 6/6/10

For your interest, someone sent me an email regarding this little problem that occurred in Kansas awhile back. Maybe following the rules and procedures all the time may be a bad thing in some cases.
Snopes - A Bridge Too Far


R-Five said...

Calm is good, right? Even Patsy Green has been surprisingly quiet on the Legislative goings on.

John said...

Maybe it is like the movie Jurassic Park? When the T Rex is passing by people get real quiet in hopes that the T Rex goes and takes a bite out of someone else...

It could have been much worse for K-12, therefore we need to stay real quiet... shhhhhh...