Monday, August 1, 2011

Debt Mgmt and Women's Health

I found these comments by Daniel Mitchell very interesting in a cynical sort of way.

CNN  Debt Deal: Politicians Win, Middle Class Loses

And of course the posturing and spinning is continuing...
Fox News  Tax Hikes Impossible? Think again...

So what do you think?  Who is winning and who is losing in this deal?  Will it work?
On another topic:
Fox news: Women's Health
HP Free Birth Control

Doesn't this just make sense?  Or promoting moral decay?

I think it makes a great deal of sense...  If unlucky kids are severely taxing our Social Systems and Public Schools, then let's help those Unlucky Moms not have as many kids...  Seems pretty simple and logical...


Unknown said...

Of all the opinionated news that I read (which is alot) Ezra often does the best job summing things up; Wonkbook: A terrible, no-good, very bad deal

At least the deal goes after part of the real problem, defense spending. CHART OF THE DAY: ‘Out Of Control Spending’ Not Really Out Of Control At All.

and one more chart; Tax Burdens Around the World which shows that the US does have a revenue problem. If GOP members weren't such antitax zealots a better deal (such as Ezra described) could have been made.

Anonymous said...

I think everyone loses. No specific cuts have been made yet, as far as I can tell. But it is clear enough that more people will be thrown out of work, and fewer jobs will be created, which can only make the deficit worse. Meanwhile, we have thrown overboard the ability to make policy choices which could have stopped the downward spiral.

The safety nets are gone. The destruction part of creative destruction is in full swing. It just remains to be seen whether, once it's done, there will be anything left to build on.
