Tuesday, February 21, 2012

MN HF1858 Levy on Even Years

The Republicans are apparently confusing me again.  Often they say they want control kept at the local level...  Yet here some State yahoos wants to tell the locals when they can hold their local levy votes...  Thoughts?

Parents United: HF1858 Alert 
Parents United: At the Capitol


Anonymous said...

It seems like a simple partisan proposition. Republicans would like to hold Levy referenda during the even year general election so that more people will be voting – more Democratic, in other words. The teachers union wants to hold Levy referenda during the off years when only the "elite" special interests (themselves) turnout to vote – just like Republicans are accused of doing.

J. Ewing

John said...

I understand the background. I am just puzzled why the Republicans are sticking their State noses into a School Board level issue...

R-Five said...

The whole question should be moot. Let Boards set operating levies without referendum, just like City, County. This improves accountability and doesn't make the kids pay while we adults sort this out on election day.

But capital - new buildings etc - yes, referendum, and as this bill requires. These should never be a surprise.

Anonymous said...

I don't like the idea of giving school boards a blank check, mostly because they have proven themselves incapable of accountability. Some of that no doubt is because the state puts a lot of unnecessary requirements and regulations on their operation, but partly because they have established in everybody's mind that every thing they do is "for the children."

On the other hand, any time they do put a levy on the ballot and they tend to produce less than objective information to the public – it's one of my greatest complaints about "the system" – and even asking for objective information usually gets you marked as a child-hater rather than an engaged citizen.

The only concession I would make is that Levy referenda should not be for a fixed amount per pupil, but should be pegged to property values. When property values go up because of inflation, the schools get more money to cover for inflation. When property values go up because the schools make homes more desirable, the schools get rewarded for being good schools.

J. Ewing

John said...

How do you see education as different from city works?

It seems Speed (R-five) has a point.

Or is the city system failing also?

Anonymous said...

The city and county has far more autonomy, and are thus accustomed to being more accountable. Most counties do not have, as their largest single expense, salary and benefits for a powerful union. Schools have long been protected from accountability because of the very important work that we have entrusted them with. We might get by for a while without County social services, but have a one-day teacher strike and OMG!

J. Ewing