Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Trump Lies Again

 And unfortunately some of his crazier followers likely believe him... :-(

But the Blue Wave did not seem to materialize either.

At least turnout was very good, which should be celebrated.

Hold tight and be patient...  This could take a long time... 


Laurie said...

Why do you think Trump did better than expected? He got a percent of the vote that is quite a bit higher than his approval rating. I am wondering if his focus on law and order helped him more that people expected. Dems in congress also did worse than expected. Why is that?

John said...

I'll have to look into it further, but I think it has to do with voter turnout.

If Trump's disapproval rating is 50%

And his approval rating is 45%

And only 70% of the disapprovers get out to vote... That equals 35%...

If 80% of the approvers get out to vote... That equals 36%...

Then there is the challenge that approval / disapproval numbers are usually nation wide...

Obviously his D / A numbers are different in Florida.

Laurie said...

Why Didn’t America’s Worst President Lose in a Landslide?

short answer: Fox news

Laurie said...

I am still hoping for/expecting a Biden win. I am not expecting Biden to get much of anything done.

Mitch McConnell’s Senate might be where the Biden presidency goes to die

John said...

You have to remember that I am pretty happy with the USA just as it is, so I am not too worried about the Federal government being stymied.

The only problem is that the 2017 tax cuts don't end until 2025, so that means they will be fighting aggressively about cutting spending. Oh I forgot, that is a good thing. 🙂 Though I think the taxes should be raised back to the 2000 rates... When were actually paying down the debt.

Laurie said...

Why can't you see how the country has declined?

The American System Is Broken

Anonymous said...

Republicans walk a fine line in that while they want to wreck the economy when Democrats are in the White House, they don't want to do it in a way that hurts their core constituency. For them cuts in services are the answer.


John said...

If you listen to David Frum you will soon be suicidal apparently. :-(

As for the state of polarization, I blame that on both parties, social media and cable / internet news and unhappy people.

Just look at David Frum's assessment as an example. He seemingly would be fine if a slight national majority had the power to walk all over the views of the slight minority in all regions.

Instead of looking at the Federal level, I think you should focus on your State...

Not sure why you are unhappy that you can not tell South Dakotans how to live their lives?

John said...

By services, do you mean the money spent to give citizens free stuff no matter how they choose to live their lives? :-)

Anonymous said...

Sure. When people have children, I choose to give thme free schools. When people choose to get old, I believe in giving them free health care and pension benefits. Of course, over my life, i have paid far more than 750 dollars a year in taxes to pay for that stuff.


John said...

Well we agree that those are acceptable beneficial services...

Laurie said...

Why do you think the democrats have trouble getting people to vote for them - that they almost lost the election to a terrible president / candidate?

Sean said...

"Why do you think the democrats have trouble getting people to vote for them - that they almost lost the election to a terrible president / candidate?"

Again, it's largely the idiosyncrasies of the Electoral College that are making it hard on Biden. He's currently up by 3.8 million in the popular vote, and that number is going to increase (there are still millions of votes in California, New York, and Illinois not counted, for instance). For those keeping track at home, Democrats have won the popular vote in 7 of the last 8 elections. The question shouldn't be "what's wrong with Democrats?" -- it should be "why is our system so undemocratic?".

John said...

I think I will turn that into a new post.

Good concepts, wrong country.