Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Conservatives Hate America?

Mocking Officers, Athletes, Voting Rights, Free Speech, Immigration, etc 

That is a pretty interesting piece that attempts to explain what I have been sensing. I mean Conservatives are to supposed to be for:

  • Free speech and expression. And yet the current conservatives seem to like attacking anyone who says or does anything they disagree with.
  • Supporting the police. And yet conservatives are mocking and attacking members of the Capitol Police force who were attacked on Jan. 6th.
  • Keeping deficits low and shrinking the national debt. And yet they passed a large unpaid for tax cut while increasing spending. Then they happily passed multi-Trillion dollar bailout packages.
  • Law and order. And yet conservatives seem okay with their leaders pardoning cronies.
  • Honesty and transparency. And yet conservatives applauded Trump's attempts to hide information and block testimony.
  • Rule by Local Governments. And yet conservatives are promoting State and Federal mandates and control.
  • Investing in America's infrastructure / future. And they drag their feet on a bi-partisan bill.
I just do not understand how the GOP became the "America is BAD" party!!! :-O  Maybe they should take their own advice...  If you do not like our America, please free to leave at anytime!!!

Whether you like it or not, America is becoming less white, more diverse, more tolerant, younger, less religious, less racist, etc.  And if our democracy continues to function correctly, that new mix of citizens is going to determine what America looks like in 50 years. And the old conspiracy loving White Baby Boomers will be gone. For better or worse.


Anonymous said...

Conservatives often do seem to argue that if you criticize America, you hate America. If you protest things, you are anti American. When Rep. Omar says something stupid, Trump is pretty quick to suggest should go back to her own country. It works for them pretty well, but it opens them up to charges that they are hate filled and divisive, which I know aggravates them a lot. What bugs them as much as anything is that the rest of America thinks those things even when they work hard not to say it. Its a challenge to respect those who do not offer respect in return. It's hard even to take seriously, someone who thinks so many of us are not genuinely American, not genuinely patriotic.


Anonymous said...

I don't know how America got on the path that it is on, although it is easy to see all sorts of signs along the way. I think the disillusionment increased because of the Vietnam War and it's aftermath including Watergate. I think Ronald Reagan was a big part of it. This may seem partisan but the fact that the Republican Party's ability to win elections far out strips it's ability to govern has not been helpful. In any event, I do think it's too late for this version of our country. We can't even get our quarterbacks vaccinated, for gosh sakes. No nation which hasn't been able to do that has ever survived for long.


John said...

It is frustrating to spend time with Far Left or Far Right people.

They seem to think they live in a terrible country instead of one of the best in the world. :-)

I think they should all be sent elsewhere for awhile. :-O