Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Afghanistan Opinions

Do Voters Care?  I liked the title of that piece, you know what they say about "opinions".

And I personally think the whole Afghanistan exit and the resulting Blame Game is some of the most pointless coverage I have ever watched.  Just a bunch of idiots trying score political points with someone.  Or whining about some group of people who put their head in a lion's mouth feeling the lion's teeth nicking their skin.

Here are my random thoughts:

  • Yes I wish the USA would have kept a base in Afghanistan, it was a relatively minor cost to keep that region somewhat under NATO control. Now it goes back to the Taliban, ISIS K, Russia, China, etc.  And it is always beneficial to fight terrorist on their property... Not ours.
  • Unfortunately most American citizens wanted out and we live in a democracy.
  • Biden had the balls to just rip the band aid off, unlike some others.
  • Yes I feel bad for the 13 soldiers who died, however unfortunately that happens in war zones. I also feel bad for the 150+ Afghanistan citizens who died. 
  • The Afghanistan citizens that worked with US forces were critical to the US mission.
  • However they were working for money and to improve their country, not sure where this the "USA owes them and their family a flight out and US citizenship" comes from?
  • I mean we already paid a fortune and many American lives in attempt to help them improve their country.
  • Then the hypocritical GOPers crying about the poor Afghans stuck in Afghanistan...  These are the same GOPers who have been excited to block all immigrants from Muslim countries.
  • And why again is the US government responsible for "saving" US citizens who decided to vacation or work in a war zone?  I will never understand that.
  • Its like when Iran arrests American hikers in their border mountains.  I am not a big fan "government" being responsible for saving idiots.

Well I am certain of one thing, the conservatives will keep taking cheap shots at Biden for doing what they did not have the spine to do.  I guess that is the name of the game.

The good news is that I am pretty sure the American's really do not care what happened in Afghanistan, as long as we are out of there.  We tend to be pretty self absorbed.

Of course I am sure the GOP will try to keep it on everyone's mind.


Anonymous said...

The path going forward is pretty clear, at least in terms of the issue we will face. Republicans will win control of at least one house of Congress ending the Biden Administration as an effective political entity. This will be followed by the 2024 election, which will not be accepted as valid by the losing side.

So where will that leave us. In the face of accumulating crises, we have an ineffective Congress and an illegitimate presidency. Where do we go from there?


John said...

It is quite the puzzle.

And yet the progressive DEMs are quite obsessed with passing their agenda, even if it helps the GOPers in 2022 and 2024...

Oh well... I assume times were tough before... Of course, we have never been burdened by this massive of a debt or enemies who can so easily inflict damage on the soil of the USA. :-(

John said...

At least the pending SS reductions made a brief headline again.

I trust that Americans will soon forget this oncoming train.

John said...

And if you think we have problems...

They are nothing compared to these folks.

John said...

This is somewhat amusing

Anonymous said...

And yet the progressive DEMs are quite obsessed with passing their agenda, even if it helps the GOPers in 2022 and 2024...

Obsessed is an odd way of chracterizing, but yes Democrats want to pass their agenda. It's what they were elected to do.

Can Social Security reductions be enacted in a political environment where the wealthy don't pay income taxe? Stay tuned.


John said...

The old saying about "Winning the Battle, but Losing the War" seems relevant...

Kind of like the idiots in Texas passing voting and abortion restrictions...

Seems a quick way to motivate the DEM voters.

Sean said...

The GOP -- who for years ran on "too many lawsuits!" -- now just turned Texas into a litigation wasteland. Just wait until companies start getting sued because someone allegedly used company resources to seek out an abortion.

And if the whole scheme of "using the public as bounty hunters to enforce a law" thing is upheld, there's all kinds of left-wing equivalents that come to mind.

John said...

It is surreal... I hope it overwhelms their courts. :-)

Anonymous said...

The point of the Texas abortion law, at least one of them is to overwhelm abortion providers with litigation. As a practical matter, from the perspective of the providers, I don't know it's possible to continue to perform abortions in Texas. It's just not the narrowness of the window, it's the virtual impossibility of proving that the window is even open, especially in a state where the decider is firmly committed to the idea that it is always closed.

This is Republican America, the America that party wants to inflict on America. An America where neighbor watch and report on neighbors, where bounties are paid for the right information. An America where shadowy court decisions are issued in the middle of the night which employ trick legal theories that overturn decades of settled Supreme Court decisions. I am reluctan to apply the label of Fascism, but this is one way Fascism looks.


Anonymous said...

Is any part of an abortion procedure covered under any insurance policies? I don't know the answer.

If so, how interesting it will be when Health Insurance companies start getting sued, too.
