Friday, January 6, 2023

GOP Disrepects Officers

GOP skips honoring officers being injured and killed.  What is WRONG with these people?

I am so embarrassed again... :-(


Anonymous said...

The conclusions are harsh, but not honoring police officers are the price Republicans pay for the premises of their syllogisms. Government is illegal, we are told, unless it is government by county sheriff. Taxes are a form of theft, the premise goes, and we pay them because we are forced to pay them. Trump is our president because the wrong kind of Americans voted for Biden.

It is going to be a rough two years, judging at from the last week or so. It seems the question we face is whether we can have a constitution without the government it mandates. Does the constitution still have effect when government is shutdown? Or is shutting down the government a choice of tyranny? New Zealand becomes ever more of appealing despite its population of orcs.


John said...

But they have some cool creatures...

And aren't you negatively stereotyping the orcs.