Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Presidential Duty

 To save our Democracy


Anonymous said...

I feel pretty certain Biden is going to drop out, I am just not certain how quickly, maybe 1 or 2 weeks. I am less certain about his replacement. I think it will be Harris. I hope the replacement is determined quickly and the Dems can turn the national conversation to focus on how unfit Trump is for office.


Anonymous said...

I have noticed in the media that it is now treated as a foregone conclusion that Donald Trump will win the election. I agree with that. So the question now is how to make the absolute power given to the president by the Supreme Court less absolute.


John said...

Same question as I left elsewhere.

IF Biden drops out... WHO?

They need to be moderate enough to attract people like me and crazy enough to get the Far Left out to vote.

Anonymous said...

I am pretty sure the dem candidate is going to be Harris. Would you vote for her?

I think her winning is a longshot but it is the best chance dems have.


Anonymous said...

Even in the movie "Judgment at Nuremburg", the Nazi's argued that they followed the law, not that they were exempt from it.
