Monday, July 30, 2018

Get in Line with the Program

I found these comments by Bannon humorous.
NW Bannon Tell Koch's to Get with the Program

I mean the Koch brothers are wealthy, old, popular, smart and real Republicans. (ie free trade, pro-business, lower government cost, etc)  Why would they care what Bannon thinks...
Axios Charles Koch Criticizes Trade Actions
Yahoo Koch Network Pushes Back

I mean the mess is of Trump's making, the GOP will need to deal with the potential consequences in Nov.


Sean said...

Well, I'll believe it when I see it. Are the Kochs really going to stay on the sidelines and risk a Democratic takeover of the House? When push comes to shove, this is going to be more rhetorical separation than actual separation.

John said...

Oh I am sure they will continue to support Republican candidates that are somewhat aligned with their views.

And hopefully their rhetoric carries enough weight to make some Conservatives stay true to normal Republican values. Not this Trump variation / aberration.

If nothing else... Maybe Trump will hear some of what they say since they are much richer than him...

John said...

Maybe more than rhetoric?

Laurie said...

Don’t be fooled. The Koch brothers will stick by Trump.

John said...

CNN Trump Attacks Again...

John said...

Unfortunately I can not get to your link right now because they want my money...

However of course Free Trade Conservatives will support some of Trump's agenda and fight him in other areas as my link describes. Of course my ideas align much better with the Koch Brothers than with Trump.