Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Wishing Romney Was Our Candidate

 As he calls for decorum and professionalism in politics.  Click to expand


Anonymous said...

The Mittster takes himself way too seriously. This reminded me of a line in the Wizard of Oz:

"Some day they will erect a monument to me in this town." "Well don't start posing for it now".

Donald Trump is the product of the dysfunction of the Republican Party, something that Mitt Romney had a role in allowing to happen. He could have stood up when it mattered, but he didn't. Now with the walls closing in around Donald Trump, and his party pretty much going down in flames, he comes out with this bit of both siderism. I don't know what Joseph Smith would say, but I am pretty sure Brigham Young would have him out to the woodshed.


John said...

You may be counting your chickens before they hatch... It will be interesting to see.

You never did like Romney, but I did and do... If he had been elected in 2012, we would not have had Trump in 2016... Strange how things work out. :-)

Anonymous said...

I do understand we may lose. And Mitt understands that as well, which he made his screed od unscreedlike.

I like Mitt just fine. But I do think what he stands for, paper shuffling wealth, is why America is in decline.


John said...

I think there is plenty of reasons for the challenges we face...

Most come down to most Americans being really self centered, selfish and some what lazy...