Sunday, November 6, 2022

Who To Vote For?

 I suppose I should do some research before Tuesday...


John said...

Dean Phillips over Tom Weiler
Tom seems the worse of the 2 questionable candidates

Paul Hillen and Bonnie Westin both seem to suck...
Maybe skip voting for either.

Ginny Klevorn over Jackie Schroeder
Jackie's web page seems to have no solutions.

Tim Walz over the Conspiracy nut.
How can a MD question vaccines?

Steve Simon over the election denier

Laurie said...

I am no longer going to argue that you are not a moderate voter (at least somewhat moderate).

I will be voting for all democrats.

Will you vote for K. Ellison? I think he may lose.

Anonymous said...

The ballot is intimidating but none of the judgeships are contested. Schroeder says God is supporting her candidacy, so she's got that going for her. Hillen wants to turn over the budget surplus to Social Security recipients although he doesn't know why.


John said...

Elison vs "Howdie Doodie"...
I'll need to do more research... :-O

I am not a big fan of either...

This Polarization is making it tempting to just skip voting for many positions, and just let the nut cases make the decision... :-(

Anonymous said...

For me, those who want to be tough on crime without addressing the issue of police violence are simply advocating that cops bust up people more. I think recent history and shown us how incredibly counter productive that is.


John said...

Is that kind of like...

Those who want to help kids learn without addressing the issue of Teacher Performance are simply advocating that some Teachers keep failing the kids.

I think history has shown us how incredibly counter productive that is.

Anonymous said...

We could allow to rough up kids, but that isn't what the current norms are.


John said...

I would be happy if we just fired low performing teachers and police officers...

Anonymous said...

These days there seems to be much more talk about what is taught in schools, than there is about low performing schools. Matt Birk in a tweet said he thinks schools should just teach, reading writing and arithmetic, and not politics. Matt kids a lot so I don't know if I should take him seriously. I want kids to be exposed to objectionable ideas in school. A teacher friend of mine, a strong DFLer, would get occasional criticism from parents that he was teaching Republican ideas in class. I like that.


John said...

The joy of the USA...

We all get to state our opinions. :-)